“ACA”…Gun Free Zones…And Other Fantasies

The loss of control in the House of Representatives by the Republicans in November was largely due to the voting patterns among suburban white women, and that ever volatile group known as “independents”.  Apparently, the major issue to them  was the high cost of healthcare.

What these people seem to have forgotten was who screwed up the healthcare system to begin with.  It wasn’t Republicans.  When Barack Obama, aided by his willing ally Nancy Pelosi, pushed through the “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, which was signed into law in 2010, something less than 10% of our population were without healthcare plans.  Many of those were young people who chose not to have one.  In one of the greatest series of lies ever perpetrated by a sitting President, Obama looked into the camera, and told the American people that if they “liked their doctor” or “liked their healthcare plan”, “they could keep them, PERIOD!

Of course, by his own admission, the framer of the plan knew that wasn’t true, and that the “ACA” would ultimately fail, causing a demand for single payer healthcare (aka: “Socialized Medicine”).  Obama knew it too, but chose to use his personal charisma to perpetrate the lie, at no cost to himself, as it turned out.  Meanwhile, instead of benefiting from an average savings of $2600 per year for a family of four as Obama promised, many Americans have watched their healthcare costs skyrocket, all the while having less and less choice as to their healthcare provider.

The Republicans regained control of the House two years later in 2012, largely on the promise of overturning the ACA, now referred to as “Obamacare” and allowing people to purchase the best plan they could find, even if it required them to purchase a plan offered in another state, a system that was then, and is now, prohibited.  When they failed to do anything, mainly because of a single no vote on the measure by then AZ Senator John McCain, they set the snowball rolling downhill which demolished their control of the House effective January 3, 2019.  Live by promises, and die by broken ones, I guess.

So, we will soon see efforts by the Democrats, led by the unlikely duo of Septuagenarian Bernie Sanders and “Like, Like,” almost a “Valley Girl”  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to institute “Medicare For All”.  That, if instituted, would cost an estimated 31 TRILLION dollars for the next ten years!  In the mean time, while we are granting new “Rights”not listed in our Constitution, the Democrats will once again begin beating the drum for national “Gun Control” which they believe will inevitably lead to an Australian style national gun confiscation.  They will hysterically point to mass shootings as the reason for these measures, ignoring the fact that virtually ALL of these tragedies have occurred in supposedly “Gun Free Zones”, which are instead some of the most dangerous places to be in our country.

Just as it is true that locks only keep out honest people, gun restrictions only limit the access to firearms to law abiding citizens.   Chicago, with its very strict gun laws is a virtual shooting gallery, and that mayhem isn’t being perpetrated by lawful gun owners, but rather by gang members and other criminals.  No one on the left seems to want to address that issue.

Finally, the last example of the “FantasyLand” that many Democrats live in is the concept that every person on the planet is entitled to “Sanctuary” or “Asylum” in our country, whether they have entered legally or not.  Strange, but I don’t see all the liberal/progressives signing up to be financially responsible for these economic “migrants”,  by acting as sponsors for same.  They’ll just leave that onerous burden to the American Taxpayer Group as a whole, whether they subscribe to the concept or not.  Asylum is NOT a right.  It is something that a country gives or withholds, at the discretion of its government.  And, by the way, it is for a finite period of time, until the perceived threat to the subject individuals life or liberty in their home country no longer exists.

So, whichever Democrat ends up as Speaker of the House, they had better tread lightly if they hope to retain the House majority in 2020.  Even some previously loyal segments of their party are beginning to look with trepidation at the radical shift to the left which  has taken place since Obama was elected in 2008.  Americans have always been center-right in their beliefs. Trying to drag them left into a Socialist Fantasyland will ultimately fail.