Armistice Day

Nationalism | ˈnaSH(ə)nəˌlizəm | noun

Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.

 In an extreme form of this,  marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries;  Advocacy of political independence for a particular country.

Let’s keep it simple.  If it were not for the United States of America, and the blood and treasure we expended in two wars on the European Continent during the last century, the French people today would probably be speaking German. 

If it were not for the vast amounts of money from the treasury of the United States of America after the Second World War, France, and the rest of Europe for that matter, would have taken decades longer to recover from the devastation caused by that horrific conflict. 

If it were not for the fact that the armed forces of the United States of America formed the backbone of the NATO pact, it is completely possible that Western Europe would have fallen to the forces of the Soviet Union.

President Trump was elected on the promise that he would work to restore the world standing of our country, left in tatters by the actions taken by the Obama administration during his two terms in office. French President Macron, at a cermony marking 100 years since the Armistice was signed, marking the end of the First World War, had the temerity to lecture President Trump, because he stated that he is a “Nationalist” where national sovereignty and borders are concerned.

The “America First” concept must be worrisome to Macron, and some other NATO country leaders, because if they were forced to pay the agreed 2% of their nation’s GDP every year toward the maintenance of the NATO forces which defend them, they wouldn’t be able to fund as many social welfare programs as they currently do.

Many European countries  have allowed, and in some cases encouraged, what can only be called an invasion of economic migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.  They are now feeling the effects of those policies.  They can’t understand that we don’t agree with unfettered immigration, and with European style open border policies, which have turned once peaceful Sweden into the rape capital of the world.

Those policies have allowed radical Muslim groups to demand Sharia Law, and self governance in so-called “No Go Zones” within some European countries.  They will will most probably change the face of Europe within the lifetimes of current middle aged Europeans, erasing ancient cultures and identities, overwhelmed by vengeful groups of religious extremists.

So, to those out there who believe that it is wrong to want to “Make America Great Again”, so be it.  It is high time that we stop being the gravy train for the rest of the world,  borrowing the money to do so.  We should greatly reduce our military presence in Europe and elsewhere, making other countries take over their own self defense.  We should cease all foreign aid, except in cases of natural disaster relief.  We should rebuild our military, and take control of our borders, allowing only merit based immigration.  We should absolutely end the foolish policy of “Birthright Citizenship”.

Only when we once again have our own financial and self defense house in order can we expect to be the place our Founding Fathers envisioned. Namely where American  CITIZENS  can expect  “Freedom and Justice For All”.