Bad Times Are A-coming!

Look at the map to the left. The total tabulations aren’t  yet available, but you will see something very similar when the final count is in.  Blobs of blue, mainly on the east and west coasts, and a sea of red in the middle.

The Founding Fathers realized, when they debated what would be included in our Constitution, that it was completely possible for a few densely populated states to dominate the rest of the fledgling nation.  That fact is still true to this day.  So, to insure, at least where the Executive branch was concerned, that type of domination could not occur, they created the “Electoral College”.  Something the Democrats are desperate to do away with today.

Since the late 1800’s, the Democrats have taken each new group of immigrants and insinuated into them a dependency on the government.  Because most of the original immigrants to this nation were from Europe, and were used to heavily regimented societies, this was not a difficult task.  Political leaders like New York’s Boss Tweed made fortunes fleecing these new arrivals out of their hard earned money, while telling them that it was for their own good.  Gradually, these politicians figured out that if they could buy the votes of the “disenfranchised” by offering them social welfare benefits, they could stay in office virtually as long as they wished to do so, gaining great wealth and power in the process.  The “Welfare State” was created.

African slaves, freed after the Civil War, were universally Republicans where they were allowed to vote at all.  In the South, controlled almost universally by Democrats, “Jim Crow” laws kept blacks subjugated as second class citizens.  Somewhere along the way, after the Civil Rights Acts of the mid-1960’s were passed at the urging of the Republicans, the Democrats managed to convince blacks that the Democratic Party was their true benefactor.  They did this by once again using the tactic of buying their votes through the welfare system, nearly destroying the black family unit in the process.  Southern Democrats like Lyndon Johnson knew which side their political bread was buttered on.  Johnson’s famous statement to two southern governors supposedly went like this:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them nig***s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”

Of course the Democrats have denied he said it, but many believe he did.  At any rate, the hard working, matriarchal based, religious community black family unit has been greatly destroyed. Young black males are killing each other at astounding rates in many big cities, all of whom have been run by Democrats for decades.

Now, the Democrats have seen yet another voter base to keep them in power. Namely, illegal aliens from south of our border.  The lawyers representing the Democratic candidates for Florida Governor and U.S. Senator seats actually are demanding that illegals be allowed to cast ballots in their election.  The same is being demanded in other Democrat controlled states or cities.

The Democrats are staunchly against any form of photo identification being required to vote in an election, claiming that violates the rights of minorities.  Ponder that for a moment.  Do they think those minorities don’t ever drive cars, have bank accounts, go to doctors or dentists, buy prescription drugs, stay in hotels, travel on airlines or other types of long distance transportation, or have Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards to collect their welfare benefits, all of which require photo identification?

When the Democrats take over majority control of the House of Representatives in January, I believe the pot will shortly come to a boil and overflow.  All those red areas in “Flyover Country” will start to rebel against the overreach of the left. This will particularly be true if there are an avalanche of “investigations” instigated with the intention of impeaching President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh, the hoards of “migrants” are allowed to breach our borders unimpeded, the “Wall” goes unfunded, the military isn’t rebuilt and mandatory gun control legislation is attempted by the House leadership. It is not going to be pretty. In the venacular, “Bad times are a-coming”.