Monthly Archives: November 2018

Elections Have Consequences.

Well, the big night is over. The Democrats have regained control of the House of Representatives, which was predicted.  So, my thoughts on the matter.

First, concerning my current state of residence.  The mass movement of Democrats from the northeast to the south have shifted the demographic in South Carolina to the point where we can elect Joe Cunningham, a man who didn’t even have the guts to list himself as a Democrat in his campaign literature, to the House of Representatives.  He, along with Jim Clyburn, will vote in a block with all the other Democrats and bring all progress on the important issues that need to be addressed in this country to a screaming halt.  Here are my predictions for the next two years: Continue reading Elections Have Consequences.

A New Low?

Just when I think the left has bottomed out in it’s quest to regain political power, they prove me wrong by registering a new low.  This definitely occurred last Saturday evening when, in a typically snide manner, Saturday Night Live “comedian” Pete Davidson commented that Navy Seal veteran and GOP Congressional Candidate Dan Crenshaw’s eye patch made him look more like “a hit man in a porno movie”!   He continued, saying: “I’m sorry, I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever…..whatever.”

Well no, Mr. Davidson, you aren’t sorry.  You got a cheap laugh out of the sickos in your studio audience, at the expense of a man whose service to our country cost him one eye, and nearly the sight in both, when an IED exploded during his third tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Told he would never see again, he eventually did recover the sight in his left eye, and susequently served two more tours of duty.  You can never possibly understand the courage of an individual like that. Continue reading A New Low?

Heads In The Sand?

I don’t mind if someone has a different opinion on issues than I do.  I don’t care if your politics are diametrically opposed to my own.  What I do mind is if you want to impose, by force if necessary, an agenda that is not just wrong headed, but dangerous. Dangerous to my personal safety, that of my family and friends.  Dangerous to my city, my state and the nation as a whole.

The heads in the sand attitude of the Democratic Party towards illegal immigration, and the myriad problems that issue affects, must be addressed.  From terrorism to deadly drugs.  From vicious gang members to bogus claims for political asylum, the Democratic Party simply doesn’t care.  They view illegals as potential voters, nothing more, nothing less.  Let these poor, unskilled, uneducated people into the country and then buy their votes by promising a lifestyle they never could hope for in their native countries.  That the financial burden of these payments will fall directly on the American taxpayer simply doesn’t matter.  They are following the concept of Karl Marx, the father of modern communism, who believed “The ends justify the means”. Continue reading Heads In The Sand?