Salem Witch Trials?

What has happened since January 6th is beginning to resemble a 21st century version of the Salem Witch Trials.  This time, the accusers aren’t fanatically righteous Pilgrims damning more secular villagers, but instead, virtue signaling Democrats (and some Republicans) vilifying President Trump and all who support him.

“He called for a violent attack on the Capitol Building!”  Shout the Democrats and the media!  “We were in fear for our lives!”  Scream some members of congress.  “Impeach him, impeach him!”  Howls Nancy Pelosi, and sure enough the House does just that, ignoring their standard procedures in the process.

Enter horned-headress wearing Jacob Chansley (aka: Jake Angeli) pictured above. Described as a “Q-anon shaman”, he’s a typical Trump supporter for sure. 

So, we look forward to a “peaceful transition” and a “virtual inauguration parade” tomorrow, all guarded by 25,000 National Guardsmen from all 50 states, who were first vetted to insure that none of them were Trump supporters and then transported at great expense to Washington to protect it’s inhabitants from the likes of Mr. Chansley-Angeli.  Thank heavens!  I was afraid everything was going to get out of control, almost like the “mostly peaceful” riots after the George Floyd incident last May.

At least now, we can get down to the serious business of:


Into what, you ask?  What are you, a card carrying xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic lunatic?  Sit down, shut up and thank your lucky stars the government is here to help you!

If that doesn’t sit well, you might want to read the full transcript of Trump’s January 6th speech to the “Stop the Steal” rally attached below.  You’ll have to cut and paste it to your browser. Maybe you can find the part where he told them to physically storm the Capitol Building and threaten the Congress.   For the life of me, I just can’t.   Perhaps they’ll point it out when I’m sent to my “re-education camp”.