Doomed to Repeat it?

Atheists and agnostics can stop reading here if the picture above hasn’t already turned you off as to the contents of this post, but you do so at your own peril.  The Old Testament tells us that God brought down ten plagues on the Egyptians, who had enslaved the Israelites.  He did this to convince the Pharaoh to release the Jewish people, and let them peacefully go their own way back to the “Promised Land”, led by Moses.

The biblical account tells us that after escaping the Egyptians, Moses led them into the desert, where he climbed Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments.  When he came down with the stone tablets that contained the Commandments, he found his people worshiping not God, but instead the golden idol of a calf.  Enraged by their blasphemy, he smashed the tablets and burned the idol.

Because of Moses pleas on their behalf, God eventually forgave the people, but sentenced them to wander for an additional forty years in the desert before they were allowed to enter the “Land of milk and honey” which He had promised them after they escaped from Egypt.

I have come to believe that God is testing the people of this nation in a way similar to that which he inflicted on the Israelites.  He has watched as a nation founded using the motto “In God We Trust” turned more and more away from His teachings, and toward a secular society based on avarice and depravity.  We have in effect become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, with people believing they can somehow chose their physical sex, rather than accepting that which was determined at conception.  We are told to abandon religion and instead worship the false god of government.

In the past twelve years, we have allowed two men to be elected our president who don’t believe in our Constitution or the principles it represents, but rather, in the words of the first, wish to “Fundamentally Transform” our nation into something else, which they refuse to define.  The second, on his first day in office, declared that by Executive Order he was going to undo measures that the good man who preceded him had put in place to strengthen and protect our country.  Further, the Democratic Party has determined to continue punishing this man, his family, and all those who supported him.

If we are not to suffer a similar fate that God inflicted on the Israelites, we must rise up and repudiate the actions which have allowed this travesty to occur.  We must do so with any means at our disposal, and we must do it quickly.  Thinking we can somehow bide our time and wait for another four, or even just two years to turn back from the direction in which we are heading is foolish beyond belief, and dangerous.  Recent history has many examples of what has happened to nations who went down this path.  I pray to God we are not doomed to repeat that awful cycle of destruction and death.