Suck it up Buttercup!

When Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, I didn’t like it.  That year I held my nose and voted for Bush ’41, who had promised “Read my lips. No new taxes!”  Then, shortly after he won in 1988, he made a deal with the Democrats to allow one of the largest tax hikes in our nation’s history.  If you remember, it eliminated Long Term Capital Gains, making everything, including home sales, Short Term.  That cost American taxpayers billions in additional taxes.  I was among  them.

So, when Clinton won, I didn’t like yet another tax and spend Democrat entering the White House, but there wasn’t all that much difference between him and Bush, so I accepted it as the will of the people.  The same applied when Clinton was reelected in 1996.  Twelve years later,  during the two terms of Bush’43, he got us involved in two Middle Eastern wars,  and pushed through the “Patriot Act”. 

This abortion is one of the greatest assaults on our Constitutional liberties in the history of our country.  It brought us yet another powerful but unaccountable government agency, the TSA, and set the stage for legal spying on American citizens which ended up allowing the illegal actions taken against the Trump campaign and administration.

Now came Barack Obama in 2008.  Anyone who listened closely to what he said during his campaign, such as “Under my plans for cap and trade, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket”, would have run, not walked away from the man.  Unfortunately people were more interested about the symbolism of electing our first minority president, so he won, not once, but twice.  I knew John McCain was a “RINO”, not the war hero his supporters framed him as, and not a good person either, so once again I accepted the results of that election, and the one that followed.  Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate in the second Obama election, has since proven who he is and what he stands for.

What I deeply resent is the demand by the Democrats, and not a few Republicans, that I “Suck it up Buttercup”, and blandly accept the results of the 2020 election as valid and legal.  There is far too much evidence to the contrary to allow me to do that.  I was shocked and dismayed that the Supreme Count under Chief Justice Roberts refused to even examine the issues brought before them.

Seventy-Five million voters, (probably a great deal more if all the legal votes were counted and the illegal ones thrown out), feel that the election was indeed stolen by the Democrats. The actions taken by Biden, (or probably more accurately his handlers), in his first week in office show how little respect they have for their opponents.  Virtually every appointment and Executive Order is a middle finger waved in our face.  By their actions, it is almost as if they are trying to provoke violence and civil disobedience so they can declare Martial Law and assume dictatorial powers over our country.

Instead of encouraging civil debate over the many issues which divide us, they are actually proposing legislation which would basically label anyone who has been a Trump supporter, and demanded that the election results be audited for possibly illegal behavior, be excluded from holding any government position, and indeed is guilty of sedition.

The Democrats, now drunk with power, are going down a very dangerous path, and they don’t seen to care what damage they are doing to our Constitutional Republic.  To them, as is the case with all dictatorships, the ends justify the means.  So no, I won’t suck it up, and I hope you won’t either.  Time is short.  Everyday, the Democrats get stronger as they tighten their stranglehold on the government.   Adding states, packing the Supreme Court, eliminating border control, bowing to the wishes of the UN, Iran and China.  All this in on their short term agenda.  This country, and all it represents, is worth fighting for.  We can’t wait four, not even two years to start.  We must begin now, or lose it all.