Pardon “Chelsea”?

In one of his final acts as president, Barack Obama has commuted the majority of the sentence handed down by the military authorities after the court-martial of Bradley Manning, who now wishes to be called “Chelsea”.   What can Obama be thinking? This sick twisted individual, by his actions, caused the DEATHS of many individuals in Iraq and Afghanistan.  People who were tortured and murdered by members of the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents because they were exposed as being agents for, or at least sympathizers with, American military efforts in those countries.

Now, because HE has decided that he is really a “SHE”, “Chelsea” Manning will be released from the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth, KS in May after having served only a fraction of his 35 year sentence.  What a travesty of justice, but typical of what we have come to expect from our 44th president and his Department of Injustice.  What possible reason or excuse could there be for this decision other than to be a sop to the LGBT community that have become the darlings of the left in our country.

Watch next for the pardon of Bowe Bergdahl, another military turncoat, who deserted his post in Afghanistan in 2009 and was held captive by the Taliban until Obama traded him for 5 violent “Gitmo” detainees in 2014.  Bergdahl’s actions led to the deaths of fellow soldiers who were attempting to free him from his captors after his desertion.

Both these men are traitors, who deserve punishment, not clemency.  Manning should serve out his full sentence, and Bergdahl, if found guilty of desertion in wartime, should face a firing squad.