Get Over It!

In the mid 1990’s the Eagles had a hit song which should be the theme of the Inaugural on Friday.  The title?  Get Over It!”   I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of the Democrats trying to figure out how Hillary Clinton lost to Trump. News flash Dems!  She was a horrible, unlikeable candidate!  End of message.

Second news flash!  You’ve lost control of the House and Senate, the majority of the Governorships and Statehouses.  Soon you’ll lose control of the Supreme Court!  Your politics of envy and division have failed.  Your leadership has put our country in a record level of debt, to no purpose.  You’ve racially divided us more than at any time in recent memory.  Your policies have derided our friends and emboldened our enemies.  We finally had the chance to “read the bill” and experience “Obamacare” after you forced it down our throats, and we don’t like it.

We’re sick of open borders and transgendered bathrooms.  We’re tired of your allowing our jobs to be shipped overseas while you allow illegal aliens into our country to use our taxpayer provided schools and social services and drive down wages in traditional blue collar jobs. Your elected minority leadership, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, offer nothing but more of the same.  You’ve all hitched your wagon to a failing cause.

So, in the words of the song:  “Stop screaming and crying and pitching a fit. Get over it”!