$4000 versus $0.

As the Obama “error” comes to an end, a quick look back on his accomplishments.  Gay marriage is now the law of the land.  Man, man.  Woman, woman.  Man, woman, it’s all the same according to the Obama Supreme Court.  Legalization of pot is growing by leaps and bounds.  Drug overdose deaths are at all time highs. Government regulations have grown exponentially, destroying many small businesses, and driving large employers out of the country, taking American jobs with them.  The rich have definitely become richer, the poor poorer, and the middle class smaller.  Race relations have tanked in many areas.  Our police have become targets, and thugs have been venerated by the “Black Lives Matter” crowd, who are supported by the Obama DOJ and praised by our president.  We have legitimized the murderous Castro regime.  Our allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us.  Our military has been effectually gutted and our infrastructure is crumbling, even though we have added Ten Trillion dollars to the national debt over the last eight years.  Our national financial “credit rating” has been reduced for the first time in our history.  Finally, our medical system has been trashed by the abomination known as “Obamacare”.  Despite his promises, many couldn’t keep their doctor or their medical insurance plan.  Instead of the average family saving $2500 per year in medical costs, premiums have skyrocketed and deductibles are through the roof.

I will give you a personal example.  My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their second child in June.  This baby will cost them something like $4000 out of pocket!  Meanwhile, an illegal alien’s baby, frequently conceived south of our border, will be delivered free of charge in this country, since free medical services under Medicaid cannot be denied them under our laws.  I’ll repeat that.  Hard working American citizens will have to pay $4000 to give birth to a child, while a new “Citizen” will be born to parents who are admittedly in this country illegally and will pay ZERO for the birth!  It’s all on the backs of the taxpayers. Way to go Obama, and the fools who still idolize you…………..