How Much Blood?

During the Obama administration the left, including most of the mainstream media, virtually always looked the other way when our first minority president (small “p” intended) sliced, diced and shredded the Constitution with his “pen and phone” when it didn’t suit his radical agenda.  What he was doing was for “The Greater Good”, at least in his view.  But where did that leave the other half of the country, who didn’t support him?  You know, the folks out there in flyover country, desperately clinging to their guns, bibles and “outdated” Constitution.  Quick answer: Up the proverbial creek without a paddle!  As the Democrats were fond of reminding us, “elections matter”.  They won!  Get over it.

Only problem with that concept is that the pendulum inevitably swings back the other way.  All those reliable blue collar Democratic voters in the so-called “Rust Belt” (part of flyover country, by the way) finally had enough.  Their jobs were disappearing, and their basic values were being trashed by a social elite who had absolutely nothing in common with them.  Then, the ultimate horror for the Democrats.  They lost!  Big time!  A man who they considered a joke was now our President!  As the shock wore off, they did what their political symbol is famous for, they dug in their heels and symbolically sat down.  Delay, if not deny Trump’s cabinet picks.  Denigrate and humiliate the President and his administration at every opportunity.

So where is this all going?  Buried under the mound of politically correct bovine manure which comprised so much of the Obama agenda is a ticking time bomb.  Obama staunchly refused to name one of this country’s most dangerous enemies, radical Islam!  Unfortunately, however, radical Islam has not forgotten us.  Our nation’s values are the exact opposite of theirs.  There can be no accommodation with a group of people who seek our absolute destruction.  President Trump has made this clear, along with his intention that we must utterly destroy this virulent ideology, before it destroys us.

So, as the Democrats continue to fight a rear guard action against their political enemies, they put this country in grave danger.  Obama’s treaty with Iran provided billions of dollars to fund terrorist organizations.  Those groups will continue to plot and plan our demise. They will use every tool at their disposal, and their toolbox continues to grow.  To individuals who are prepared to strap explosives to their body and blow themselves up in the process of killing their perceived enemies, it is not too great a leap to allow themselves to be willingly infected with biological agents such as ebola virus and travel by air to this country and spread the contagion before it kills them.  The same for using chemical or, God forbid, nuclear weapons developed by rogue nations such as Iran or North Korea.

If that happens, the blood of thousands, perhaps millions of Americans will be on the hands of the leaders and followers of the Democratic party.  That will create a hole that they will never be able to crawl out of.  The only question is, how much American blood are they willing to be allowed to be spilled to achieve their political goals?  The fact that the Democrats are howling like wounded banshees over people being temporarily banned from entering our nation from seven countries listed as hotbeds of terrorist activity by the Obama administration shows how completely devoid of common sense they are.

Finally, with regards to the continued “Slow Walk” policy of the Democrats where Trump’s cabinet and Supreme Court picks are concerned.   Thanks to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the so-called “Nuclear Option” exists, to assure their confirmation.  God help the Republican majority if they are unwilling to use it.  The “Forgotten” men and women of this country have been awakened!