Torture, or Common Sense?

President Donald Trump has stated that it is his obligation to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, and he would consider re-authorizing so-called “enhanced interrogation” techniques (aka: “waterboarding”).  The howls from the left have already started.  Allowing “torture”, they say, is against all concepts of American law and the American way of life.  Agreed, but first we must consider what constitutes “torture”.  The picture at left shows a Jordanian Air Force pilot being burned alive in a cage after being captured by members of ISIS.  That, my friends is torture.  Having your head sawed off by a butcher knife, being drowned in a cage with your hands tied behind your back, being crucified.  All those things are obviously examples of torture.  But having water poured onto a towel which covers your face to simulate drowning?  Not so much, as uncomfortable as that may be.

We as a country are engaged in a war.  It isn’t the classic form of war, a declared conflict between two or more combatant states, but rather a conflict between ideologies.  Although the ideology of communism is still alive and well, as practiced in varying degrees by China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and a few other nations, it is the ideology of Islam that is our greatest menace.

As I’ve stated before in other posts, Islam on it’s face is just another of the world’s great religions.  However, a closer look reveals it’s darker side.  It is the only remaining religion which seeks to dominate the planet, eliminating all others.  it demands total obedience to the word of it’s Prophet Muhammad, as laid out in his writings, the Holy Quran.  It’s most fervent followers are willing to commit the most heinous and violent acts to cow and terrorize non-believers into total submission.

Our last President, Barack Obama, listed as one of his most notable accomplishments the killing of 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.  The reason he was able to be found by the members of Seal Team Six and eliminated after being in hiding for years, was because Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal planner of that awful day in American history,  gave up the name of bin Laden’s courier under “enhanced interrogation” during the days following his capture during the Bush ’43 administration. That information allowed the courier to be eventually found and followed to his employer’s lair in Pakistan.

Because of the unbelievably feckless and naive attitude of the Obama administration, we now have the country of Iran resurgent, refinanced and determined to become a nuclear power. When they finally build the bomb, they or one of their surrogates will not hesitate to use it on the “Great or Little Satan” as they refer to the United States and Israel.

If we must occasionally use methods such as “waterboarding” to obtain information to prevent a catastrophic attack on our country or it’s allies, so be it. To some, it might be called “torture”, but the proponents of radical Islam know what that name really means, and they use it all too frequently, as described above.