
As we face the upcoming election, it is instructive to ponder some quotes from Democrat politicians

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.”

Barack Obama 

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan. Period

Barack Obama

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

Barack Obama 

Candidate Barack Obama in 2008 repeatedly claimed that his health care plan would save families up to $2,500 per year on their premiums.

“But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy”.

Nancy Pelosi

Were ANY  of these statement true?  Only the last one. That last quote, from Nancy Pelosi, is one of the most outrageous comments uttered by any politician in recorded history, yet it was swallowed whole by the media, all Democrats, some Independents, and even a few Republicans.  Mind boggling!  Can you imagine going to a car dealership and being told that they won’t tell you the price of the car you’re considering buying until you have signed the purchase agreement?

Now, we are being told by Joe Biden that he won’t tell us his policy on packing the Supreme Court until AFTER the election?   The same goes for his running mate Kamala Harris.  Neither of them are willing to divulge what their plans are for the vital decisions that will shape our nation’s  future for decades, perhaps forever.  Doing away with the Electoral College?  Abolishing the Second Amendment?  Adding additional States to the Union?  Do you want open borders?  What is your shortlist for Supreme Court nominees? Will you increase our taxes?  Will you ban fosil fuels and eliminate “fracking”?  As in the case of The Affordable Care Act (aka Obamcare), they will tell us  AFTER they are successful in being elected.

How any reasonable person can accept this premise is beyond me, yet I know they are out there.  The Democratic Party will do anything to gain total control over this nation.  God help us all if they succeed in doing so, but then again, contrary to their lies on that matter, claiming to be “People of Faith”, they don’t believe in Him either.