It’s “Walter”!

As I’ve watched Joe Biden in the few times where he’s come out of his basement and campaigned in the last few months, particularly in the closing days of the race, something has been nagging at the back of my brain.  Who does he look like, with the squinty eyes and the downturned mouth as he lectures us about the terrible things Donald Trump has done, and the ”Dark Winter” we’re about to experience? 

Well I finally figured it out.  He’s a dead ringer for “Walter” the curmudgeon puppet used by comedian/ventriloquist Jeff Durham.

As we watch this Presidential contest come to an end, we are assured by the majority of the pollsters, and virtually all of main stream media, that it’s a done deal. Biden is going to win. Joe is going to be our forty-sixth President. 

Instead of looking forward to a reopening of our economy, our children returning to a normal five day school week, and the end of the Chinese pandemic, as an effective vaccine is produced under “Operation Warp Speed”, there will be another outcome.

We will go into a national lockdown, millions more will again lose their jobs, children will stay home after their schools are closed, and the government will take more and more control over our daily lives.

We will become a Socialist country.  Our medical system will be devastated, our borders will be thrown open, and millions of illegals will flood in to further depress the wages of American workers who have managed to keep a job instead of seeing it disappear as the jobs are shipped overseas to China and elsewhere.  The American Dream will be crushed.  Maybe so, but maybe not.

In these final days, President Trumps speaks to thousands of people at outdoor rallies, who frequently wait for hours in freezing conditions to hear Trumps message of hope and pride.  Biden and his Democrat handlers preach a very different message to tiny gatherings.  We can’t “Make America Great Again” because it was never great in the first place.

Their version of our country is that we are fatally flawed as a nation, forever stained by a history of human slavery which can never be washed away.  The blood of hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers who died freeing the slaves wasn’t enough.  There can never be enough.  If Americans who never owned slaves, nor did their ancestors, are forced to pay financial “reparations” to people who were never slaves, it won’t be enough.  Other races, but particularly Caucasians, are systemically, irredeemably racist.  They are beyond redemption.  That is the dark vision of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the party they represent.

In three days, Americans who have not already voted will go to the polls and decide the future of this nation and indeed in many ways the rest of the planet.  If we go down the dark road where the leftists who now control the Democratic Party would take us, it will be one of the great tragedies of human history.  Thomas Jefferson said:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

We must all pray that won’t be required to save our Republic and Constitution from those who would destroy it.  I am sure, if needed, those patriots are there, all across this great nation.  Instead, let us hope that we can go back to our normal lives, and continue to laugh at the comedy of Jeff Durham and “Walter”.