Obama, Ver. 2.0?

Former President Barack Obama stated in a speech yesterday that Republicans, led by President Trump, are divisive, appealing to “tribal fear and anger, pitting one group against another”.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (and that’s an old saying, not a racial slur or “dog whistle”).

Please pardon me if you are offended by mild profanity, but what the hell has happened to the Democratic Party since the “Anointed One” was elected in 2008?  The Obama administration was ALL about pitting one group or class of Americans against each other. Acording to his first Attorney General, Eric Holder, where race relations were concerned, we were “basically a nation of cowards”.  Later, we were told  that we were also Xenophobes, Homophobes, or Islamophobes if we didn’t agree with all Obama’s policies.  The latest example of the Democratic Party’s  descent into a self perpetuated hell is the Senate Judiciary Committees Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Judge Kavanaugh.

The shocking raucous display of protesters in the hearing audience is reminiscent of scenes of  the “Antifa” thugs trashing cars and breaking windows while “protesting” the appearance of conservative speakers at colleges and universities.

Not to be upstaged by the gallery, the Democrats on the committee spent much of the first day of the hearing trying to have it suspended altogether.  Then, they kept demanding more and more documents for review, although they had already been provided more documents than were demanded from the previous five Supreme Court nominees…… combined.

The Democrats stated policy of “Resistance” to the Trump Administration was constantly on display at the hearing. It soon became apparent that some of the Democrat Senators were using the forum as a platform to enhance their ability to become the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee.

The poster child of this group had to be New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. Who obviously views himself as Barrack Hussein Obama, Ver. 2.0.   Trying to portray himself as a selfless hero, he said he was going to knowingly violate Senate rules, and so risk removal from that body,  by publishing a classified email which supposedly showed that Judge Kavanaugh supported racial profiling after 9/11.   The only problem was that the email had been declassified the day before, and that fact had been provided to Booker’s staff.   Additionally, the email indicated that Kavanaugh was OPPOSED to profiling, not in favor of it..

In a final showboat statement, Booker stated that this was probably as close to a “I am Spartacus” moment as he ever would get.  Someone should tell the Senator to watch the 1960 movie one more time.  Spartacus and his band of rebels didn’t triumph over the Roman Empire, but indeed ended up getting crucified instead……..