Anita Hill Redux

As the latest example of former President Obama’s “Resistance Movement” against the policies and actions of his successor in office unfolds, one must ask how gullible the Democratic Party thinks the American public really are. The answer to that question is becoming abundantly clear. Totally!

Not since the evisceration of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas during their conformation hearings before the Senate have we witnessed such a shameless travesty during a hearing which is supposed to simply determine whether a Presidential nominee to the nation’s highest court has the proper qualifications to serve in the office.  That was exactly the “modus operandi” of the Republicans in the Senate when Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan were nominated to the Court by Barack Obama.  The Democrats however, don’t view their role as one to “Advise and Consent”, but rather to delay and obstruct, any nominee to the Court by a Republican President, particularly the present one.

So, in a dusted off playbook used by the Democrats when Clarence Thomas was nominated by Bush ’41 in 1991, they have allowed, indeed encouraged, the hearing process to become a circus of “protestors”, and engaged in useless hyperbole while pimping themselves as future Presidential nominees of their party in 2020.  Finally, they have paraded an accuser in the vein of Anita Hill in the Clarance Thomas hearings to impugn Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s character by accusing him of sexual misconduct when he was a teenager in high school over 35 years ago.

You may remember the statement made by Tom Foley (D) the House Speaker at the time of the Thomas hearing, who said: “The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this.”  “Even though there is no evidence,” he said, “the seriousness of the charge is what matters.” 

That kind of convoluted logic resurfaced when then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated, with reference to the “Obamacare” legislation in 2009: “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”.  That fuzzy headed logic can only be sold to people who are so completely inoculated with Democratic Party  doctrine that they are incapable of rational, logical thought patterns.

So, a distinguished Federal Judge who has passed no less that SIX comprehensive vetting investigations by the FBI, is going to have his nomination put on hold until the FBI conducts yet another investigation into his character, because of an uncorroborated accusation made by a woman who suddenly “recalled” a “sublimated” incident from her youth, during a marriage councilor’s session, but can’t recall the participants, other than Kavanaugh, or even the YEAR when it occurred. 

It is apparent that character assassination is just another tool in the Democrats “Resistance” toolbox.  Incredible!