Here We Go Again

First, they were called “Deplorable’s” by Hillary Clinton.  Now, Joe Biden has said that at least some of them are the “Dregs of Society”.  Who are these awful people? Conservatives, that’s who.  So, if you don’t buy into what are demonstrably the failed policies of the left, you are not simply wrong headed or misinformed, you are EVIL!

“Progressives” say that they are against the concept of walls, but they have actively built up a wall in their minds against any concept they disagree with.  Progressives came up with the concept of “Political Correctness”, which is used to stifle debate on issues.  If you can’t win a debate by the strength of your argument, you just label opposing views as being bigoted or prejudiced.  Game over.  You win!  But do you?

The person you supposedly vanquished by labeling them as Xenophobes, Homophobes, Islamophobes, etc don’t just throw up their hands and walk away.  Rather, at least some of them redouble their effort to expose your narrow-mindedness. 

As a society we cannot allow the “Tyranny of the Minority” to dominate our culture.  I am not referring to cultural or racial minorities.  I’m talking about the individuals who feel they can impose their beliefs on the society as a whole by simply stating the magic words:  “I’m offended by that”.

In their mission to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election, the Progressives, on the left and the right of the aisle, have mounted a campaign to deride the slogan “Make America Great Again”.  Political figures as prominent as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a speech attacking Trump:  “Make America Great Again?”  “America was never that great”.  That is breathtaking in it’s ignorance of historical facts.

While America is certainly not perfect, it has done incredibly great things during it’s history. In the last century alone it helped save the world from tyrannical regimes twice, first in World War One and and again in World War Two.  It rebuilt the economies of war torn countries, including our former enemies, after World War Two.  That national generosity probably prevented a Third World War in the twentieth century. 

American scientists developed a cure for the scourge of Polio, and virtually eliminated Small Pox and Tuberculosis from our country.  Our much maligned pharmaceutical industry developed more  live saving drugs than all other countries combined. American was there with money, logistical support, and personnel every time there was a natural disaster on our planet. 

By any honest analysis, America HAS been a great country, but eight years of withdrawal from the world stage during the Obama administration put the country at risk.  The decimation of our military threatened our national defense capability.  The refusal to confront in a meaningful way the threat posed by radical Islam threatened our country and our allies.  Not pushing back against the growing threats posed by Iran, North Korea, China and Russia would not lead to a safer world or a secure nation.  “Leading from behind” was an absurd, ill-conceived concept.

So no, I don’t believe that conservative values makes us “deplorable” or “dregs of society”. On the contrary, conservatism embodies the very essence of American values and beliefs which have given the millions of people who make up our nation the opportunity to be the very best that they can be.  We just believe that you must work for it, not have it given to you by an all powerful government.