A Tale of Two Fences

These are security fences.  The top one is seven feet high and topped with razor wire,  with thousands of National Guard troops in place behind it.  It was erected to safeguard the Capitol Building and other federal building after the claimed “Insurrection” on January 6, 2021.  On that occasion, the Capitol admittedly sustained some damage, but the only people who died were victims of heart attacks, strokes, a possible asphyxiation after being beaten by Capitol Police and then trampled by the crowd trying to escape their wrath, and an unarmed female Air Force veteran fatally shot by a Capitol Police Lieutenant while climbing through a shattered window.

The lower one surrounds the Uvalde, Texas grade school where nineteen fourth grade students and two teachers were executed by a psychotic teenage boy who had been able to jump over the fence wearing body armor and carrying a rifle and bag of ammunition.  From the looks of it, it can’t be much over four feet high.  There was no armed School Safety Officer present at the school, and when law enforcement did arrive, they apparently made no attempt to save the children and teachers for over an hour, after exchanging a few initial shots with the killer who had barricaded himself and his victims in a school room.

What should be apparent is that the government apparently cares more about the security and safety of politicians and government bureaucrats than it does about the most vulnerable among us.  The Covid lockdowns had a demonstrably negative effect on the general population, but especially on teens and pre-teens.  If they were troubled before that happened, as was evidently the case with the Uvalde shooter, they came out the other end plainly a danger to themselves and others.  Why wasn’t this anticipated and caught before they acted?

I believe there is a simple answer to that. Politicians on both sides of the aisle, but mainly Democrats, were and are more focused on gaining or maintaining political power than they are in doing what’s right for the country.  While they were obsessed with the phony issues of “Russia, Russia, Russia”, or the threat posed by “White Supremacist Insurrectionists”, they were ignoring the real problems and threats this country faces on a day to day basis.

We are beginning to finally realize the dark side of  “Social Media”.  Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, among others, chose to ban a sitting president and those with conservative viewpoints, while allowing the Iranian Mullahs, Taliban and al Qaeda to spread their hateful lies.  These sites also ignored the posts from individuals who were clearly in need of mental help.  If an algorithm can be developed to curb conservative dialog, one can surely be made to check for key words and phrases which threaten violence and mayhem.  They haven’t been, and we must ask ourselves why?

Perhaps it is because those currently in power in our government WANT chaos and fear to grow in our country.  Vladimir Lenin stated many times over that the more a country exists in a state of chaos, the easier it is to control.  He said:

Dictatorship is rule based directly upon force and unrestricted by any laws. The revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is rule won and maintained by the use of violence by the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, rule that is unrestricted by any laws.”

That is the lesson learned by the Democratic Party during the Covid pandemic.  Many Americans CAN be controlled by despotic leadership.  They willingly gave up their Constitutional rights out of fear of a virus which was deadly to only a very small segment of our population.  They gave up the prosperity of the Trump years for the coming recession out of a manufactured sense of doom that had been imposed on them by the Democrats through their almost total control of the media.  In the process, they created monsters like Payton Gendron and Salvador Ramos by closing the schools and further isolating these already mentally ill young men from meaningful contact with society.

The symbolism of the two fences should be the final straw which breaks the camels back of tribalism and favoritism in this country.  Politicians and bureaucrats DON’T deserve more protection than the citizens they supposedly represent, especially defenseless school children.  For that matter, they don’t deserve pensions far larger than people who have worked their entire lives to enjoy a dignified retirement, and medical benefits they would deny to the rest of us.

It’s past time that Americans do what President Trump proposed, simply Make America Great Again. We must stop ALL foreign aid, using money borrowed from China.  We must close our borders, even if volunteer citizens groups have to work with their local Sheriffs to do so.  We must demand that all monies in the Civil Service retirement plans be deposited in the Social Security System, and that it once again be placed out of reach of greedy politicians by taking it out of the general revenue fund and demanding that the Social Security System be made whole as soon as possible.

Further, we must see to it that no politician or bureaucrat have greater retirement benefits than those available to the average American citizen. The days of a “Them and Us” relationship with those who are supposed to serve US must end. In the vernacular, it’s time for them to have some “Skin in the Game”.

Finally, we must secure our schools using methods already developed, both here and abroad.  We should eliminate “Gun Free Zones”, which only protect the criminals, crazies and terrorists, leaving unarmed citizens helpless.  We must also go back to the concept of making our prisons something criminals fear, rather than being the training academies for further lawlessness they have become.

Time is short. Be brave, and most of all, on this Memorial Day 2022, be proud to be an American.  We CAN take our country back, if only we have the courage to try.