Pure Evil!

This is the face of pure evil.  This is not a “White Suprematist”.  This is a very sick person.  Almost everyone around him had to know that.  If  there was ever an individual who should have been on a watch list which would prevent him from being able to purchase a firearm it was surely Payton S. Gendron.  Yet incredibly he wasn’t.


Perhaps because too many resources of the federal government were invested in proving that “systemic racism” and “white supremacists” were a greater threat to this nation than radical Islam and the real terrorist groups that are out there.  Some of those people are coming across our southern border every single day.  When they strike, as they surely will, we will suffer the consequences of allowing the Democrats to seize power and put this countries citizens in peril.

Sending billions of dollars to help the Ukrainians defend their borders against the Russian invasion does nothing to keep Americans safe.  Vladimir Putin has become the boogie man the left is using to scare the American public into giving up our constitutional rights of freedom of speech and the right to bear arms for self protection.  Because an armed population has always been the greatest threat to despotic governments, the first thing they do when they gain power is  take away the guns.

The tragedy of the supermarket massacre in Buffalo, NY should not be ignored, but the mechanisms to prevent it were already there.  As I stated in the first paragraph, Gendron should never have been allowed to legally purchase an AR-15.  Neither should have Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland High School shooter, or several other mass murderers in recent years.  The laws were there on the books, but the officials tasked with enforcing them simply failed to do their duty.

Now, of course, the anti Second Amendment rhetoric will ratchet up.  There is even talk of controlling “hate speech” on the internet.  Talk to people in other nations who don’t have a First Amendment right to speak their mind to see how that has worked out for them. They can go to jail or be heavily fined due to a decision made by an unelected bureaucrat.

The left doesn’t want to debate these issues.  They want to bludgeon Americans into submission.  It worked with mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns during the Covid pandemic, why not for everything else?  Things under the Biden/Harris administration will continue to get worse.  Massive inflation is already here, a serious recession is on the horizon.

There are more Payton Gendrons and Nikolas Cruzes out there, waiting to prey on a helpless disarmed American public in enforced “Gun Free Zones”.  We must all pray that will not be allowed to happen.