Then They Came……..


“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me,

and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Pastor Martin Niemöller – 1945

This morning I watched portions of the “January 6 Select Committee” hearing in Washington, DC.  One of the most disgraceful episodes during that event was when Rep. Adam Kinzinger (RINO-IL), broke out in tears as he described his feelings about the January 6th “Insurrectionist Riot” at the Capitol Building, after President Trump addressed the massive rally on the Washington Mall to protest the certification of the November 3rd election results.

Did he, or any other RINO or Democrat, decry the looting and burning which took place during the Black Lives Matter “mostly peaceful protests” which gutted portions of many American cities last summer?  No.  Did any of them shed tears over the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, shot in the throat by a Capitol policeman as she climbed through an already broken window into the Capitol?  No. Have any of them questioned the imprisonment, often in solitary confinement, of individuals who weren’t even inside the Capitol, but merely standing waving flags on the steps at the entrance?   No.  These people have been imprisoned for six months, basically without charge, for the crime of trespassing on Federal property, which at worst case should be considered a misdemeanor.  Many, if not most of the people who actually got inside were actually let in by the Capitol Police and stood around taking pictures or talking on their cellphones, not rampaging around threatening people or destroying public property.

Have the rioters in Portland, who stormed the Federal Courthouse, and attempted to set it on fire, thus burning its occupants alive in the process, been so incarcerated?  Of course not.  To the Democrats, they, along with the BLM and Antifa thugs are the “Good” rioters, their actions were justifiable, and they will be held blameless. 

Ladies and gentlemen, (if I am still permitted to use those gender threatening pronouns), we are faced by the greatest threat to our Republic since it’s inception, and it isn’t coming from “White Supremacists” or “Systemic Racists” engaged in “White Rage”,  Xenophobia, Homophobia, or any of the other phobias the left have dreamed up to silence dissent.

To any thinking person it must be perfectly clear that we are going down a path parallel with those taken by the Bolsheviks in Russia, the Fascists in Italy, the Nazis in Germany, the Maoists in China and the Mullahs in Iran during the twentieth century.  The Democrats are planning on one party rule, and they are perfectly willing to use all aspects of the federal, state and local governments, including law enforcement, and our military, to obtain it. 

They used the Wuhan Pandemic in 2020 as an excuse to change our voting systems and so engineer an electoral coup against President Trump.  If they are not stopped, they will succeed in not only turning this country into a socialist state, but a vicious tribalist society where racial and ethnic groups fight over the scraps of our once great country, while our own “Politburo” members live a life of luxury unattainable to ordinary Americans.  It’s that serious.  Heed the warning above, or you surely will live to regret it.