Bad Dog!


Over the last few years, as I have watched my country be denigrated and maligned by people who have no right to do so, a quiet anger has been building in the back of my mind.  I’ve long known, in my heart of hearts, that I have some racist tendencies.  In that, I am not alone.  Virtually everyone, if they are honest with themselves, suffers from that affliction.

All ethnic groups and races, either in a passive or aggressive manner, believe they are the best example of what the rest of mankind should be.  The Chinese, and even more so the Japanese, have for millennia believed themselves to be superior to all other races.  At least in the case of the Chinese, historically they may be correct, at least in the past.  The Asian devotion to knowledge and the value of education is unsurpassed.  That would include many of the residents of the Indian Sub-Continent.

However, at least for the last fifteen hundred years or so, the majority of the intellectual achievements of mankind have come from the Caucasian race, specifically the Europeans, and their descendants around the world.  Earlier than that, the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and Rome contributed greatly to what would become modern civilization.   The pre-Islam Arabs were masters of mathematics, astronomy and medicine.

However, there has always been the inherent tribalization common to all races which became the seeds of wars and conquest.  If you looked different, dressed strangely or spoke a different language, you were potentially a threat.  This was even more true if you worshiped another god or the same god in a different way. 

So,  how has my “racism” manifested itself over the years?  In my travels world wide, I have consciously avoided high crime areas.  In Europe, those were frequently inhabited by black or Muslim minorities, where whites were generally not welcome anyway.  In this country, it was the predominantly lower income black areas or to a lesser extent Hispanic “barrios”. These areas were and are frequently dominated by violent gangs, and as such dangerous to their residents as well.

If I’m in an area of a city that I’m unfamiliar with, I am constantly on guard.  If I see a group of young black men coming towards me on the sidewalk with wild hair and sullen faces, I am likely to cross the street in the middle of the block to avoid them.  Is that an example of “racism” or merely caution?  I’ll leave that up to you.  If they follow me, it becomes a situation of “Fight or Flight”.  At my age, successful flight  is unlikely, so avoiding the area is my best option.

The policies of the current administration to continue to divide this country on racial and ethnic lines is not only hurtful, but dangerous.  Terms like “White Privilege” and “Systemic Racism” create an atmosphere where one race feels morally justified in attacking another. That never ends well.  People who are unjustly accused of being something they are not sometimes end up becoming exactly what their accusers claim they are.

In this country, people of African descent have never been more than thirteen or fourteen percent of the population.  Caucasians have traditionally been a majority, but that is gradually changing.  In fifteen or twenty years, whites will be a minority, but never considered as such by the left.  Currently, the demands for “Equity” rather than “Equality” are growing.  If that concept is allowed to take root, there will inevitably be pushback.

Now, there is an effort by some radical black movements like Black Lives Matter  to enlist other current minorities, like Hispanics and the “Trans” community, to join them in excoriating whites, especially conservative whites.  I believe that is a serious mistake on their part.

There is no more gentle and loving breed of dog in existence than a Golden Retriever. However even those non-threatening animals can turn aggressive if they are abused enough.  Sadly over the years I’ve seen several examples of that.  If you call a dog “Bad” and abuse it, it will eventually become so.

It would do well for the left, especially leftist minorities, to remember that.  Conservative whites in this country can be pushed just so far before they turn on their oppressors.  It’s inevitable, and  ominously close to that point right now.