An Open Letter To Obama.





President Barack Hussein Obama, II
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

President Obama,

As you begin the final month of your presidency, I would like to comment on the last eight years which comprise your two terms in office.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign I listened carefully to your rhetoric as you described how you planned to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  Some of your statements were positive, such as your stated belief that there isn’t a White America, a Latino America, a Black America or an Asian America.  Instead there is just America.  That message of inclusion was a positive one, and where this country had been headed for most of the last half of the twentieth century and beyond.  Instead, look what your policies have wrought.

Only a fool would believe that we are now a “Post Racial Society”.  The signs of racial distrust and discord are everywhere.  This is not because there has been a resurgence of “White Supremacy” in our country, but rather because your actions, from the very beginning, encouraged minorities to view themselves as victims of white prejudice.  Eric Holder, your first pick for Attorney General, was divisive and combative from his first speech to the nation.  He told us that where race was concerned, we were basically a nation of cowards.  You did nothing to distance yourself from that remark, or the many similar statements he made later in his term as our highest law enforcement official.

As you predicted in a pre-election interview, energy costs skyrocketed during much of your first term.  The average cost of gas at the pump rose to over $4.00 per gallon.  Much of this was due to the fact that you and your party prevented the exploitation of our numerous energy resources by preventing drilling in the oil rich regions of the North Coast of Alaska, off our shorelines, and in numerous areas of federally controlled land.  You began the process of shutting down the coal mining industry and numerous coal fired power plants.  As we all know, the cost of energy affects the cost of everything else.  The citizens suffered, but you didn’t seem to care.

You then began a concerted effort to allow millions of illegal aliens to enter our nation.  Our borders became more porous than at any time in the past.  This virtual invasion has severely taxed our ability to provide needed social services to our legal citizens.  In some areas, the major portion of deliveries in maternity facilities at hospitals are to mothers who are here illegally, and now are allowed to give birth to legal “Anchor Baby” citizens.  You began the process of bringing large numbers of so-called “refugees” from areas of known terrorist activities into our country and resettling them in our heartland without even advising local authorities they were coming.  Your administration has assured us that these people were properly “vetted”, when common sense indicates otherwise.  Now, you are proposing to bring tens of thousands more of these people to our country before you leave office on January 20th.

Finally, you and your Department of Justice under two African-American Attorneys General have glorified thugs who committed crimes against law enforcement and private individuals.  These actions on your part fanned the flames (literally) of riots in the communities concerned.  Law enforcement officers have been assaulted and murdered by individuals who were then defended by groups like “Black Lives Matter” among others. Where were you when those actions and groups should have been held to account?

So, President Obama, would you please stay in Hawaii for much of the next thirty days, and play golf or plan your Presidential Library?  You also might study our Constitution, which you have so studiously ignored for the last eight years.  Put down your pen and your phone, and leave us in peace.  You’ve done enough damage already.

Thank You,

Al Francis
Legal Citizen
The United States of America