On the way out………..

From the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama has been to say the least controversial.  His initial trip abroad was his famous “apology tour”.  He took it upon himself to apologize, in our name, for all the things he felt were wrong about the United States of America.  He told the world we were not an exceptional country.  He told the world we were not a Christian nation.  He told the world we would no longer be the leader of the free world, but instead would “lead from behind”, whatever that meant.  And that was just the beginning.

In the ensuing eight years he has seemingly done everything in his considerable power to trash our nation.  For the first time in history, we were downgraded in our international financial rating.  We accumulated an additional ten trillion dollars in national debt without any positive effect on our infrastructure or national security.  We knuckled under to our enemies.  We enabled despots in North Korea, Iran and Syria. His policies, and those of two unbelievably inept Secretaries of State that he appointed completely destabilized the Middle East and created the refugee crisis in Europe and elsewhere.  He allowed our borders to become more porous than at anytime in our history, with millions of illegals overwhelming our medical and social services networks at the expense of our citizens.  He spent lavishly on vacations and almost weekly “A-list” parties in the White House.  He and his family lived large while the average American worker hadn’t had an effective pay raise since the turn of the century.

He threw every possible roadblock into the goal of us becoming energy independent.  He over-taxed and over-regulated businesses right out of the country, taking their money, and more importantly their jobs, elsewhere.  By any reasonable assessment his presidency has been an abject failure.  All this notwithstanding, we are told he has an exceptionally high personal approval rating in the polls.  Really?  With over seventy percent of Americans saying we have been moving in the wrong direction as a nation?  Perhaps these are the same pollsters  who predicted a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton last November.

Now, as he goes out the door, he is releasing more extremely dangerous detainees from “Gitmo”.  His State Department has allowed Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East, to be humiliated by a United Nations Security Council resolution which we formerly would have vetoed, and rightly so.  He is finally showing his true colors, and giving us, and our traditional allies, the middle finger in the process.  The end of his “Fundamental Transformation of America” can’t come soon enough.  We can only pray that our country is resilient enough to overcome the damage that this vain, pseudo-intellectual, America hating individual has done. Finally, he told a reporter in a recent interview that if he had been allowed to run for a third term he would have been able to persuade the American public of the righteousness of his positions and so win the election. The dictionary should add an additional definition for the word “delusional”: Barack Obama!