Some Answers Please?

From the time that Barack Obama showed up on the national political scene in 2004 when he gave a keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention we should have been asking ourselves some very basic questions.  Who is this guy?  What is his background?  What are his political aspirations?  Some did exactly that, but most Americans allowed themselves to be mesmerized by this young, well spoken African-American who had arrived on the talk shows with an almost cultish appeal.  Oprah Winfrey adored and endorsed him for crying out loud!  How could it get any better than that?

Those who dug a little deeper found some unsettling clues.  He had a shadowy association with leftist billionaire George Soros.  One of his early mentors was an avowed communist.  Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers had hosted his political coming out party in Chicago.  He belonged to a radically anti-American church whose pastor shouted “Not God Bless America!  God Damn America!” after the tragedy of 9/11.  All these questionable facts were ignored by the mainstream media.  Obama was portrayed as a Messianic figure who was going to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  Those of us who asked “Into What?” were characterized as racist bigots, and later “Islamophobic” when his ties to that religion were exposed.  Thus was issued in 8 years of the Obama administration, with it’s takeover of the healthcare system, massive debt increases, and expansion of radical Islamic terrorism unknown in the modern era.  And he’s not done with us yet.

Instead of leaving Washington, DC he bought a mansion only a few blocks from the White House, where he, along with Valerie Jarrett and others, founded an organization with the expressed purpose of defeating all the policies of his successor, and indeed driving him from office.  I think it’s once again time to start asking questions which were never answered while he was in office.  Here’s my list:

Can we finally see your real birth certificate from Hawaii, not a questionable copy?

Can we be allowed a peek into your scholastic records, at least from college through graduate school and law school?  By the way, who financed your tuition to those very expensive institutions?  And oh yes, did you really enroll as a foreign student under the name of Barry Soetoro?  Since all your records are sealed tighter than Fort Knox used to be, we can’t find out.  Why is all this secrecy necessary?

Not coming from a wealthy background, how did you afford to buy that big house in Chicago on a community organizers salary?

Just for the record, could you also provide Michelle and your daughters birth certificates as well?  We’d all like to know what hospital they were born in.  Some might even like to donate to their pediatric facilities.

As stated above, we know you don’t come from a wealthy family, and even with 8 years of a presidential salary, it’s unlikely you could afford those 2, or is it 3, big houses?  It’s rumored you purchased one in Hawaii as well.  Gifts from wealthy benefactors?

So Mr. Obama, there are so many things we’d finally like to learn about our first minority president.  How about a few answers?