Chelsea Manning Isn’t…

Chelsea Manning isn’t.  Chelsea, that is.  He (not she) is Bradly Manning, a former U.S. Army soldier who was convicted in 2013 of stealing and publishing more than 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents on the internet.

Manning, aside from being a traitor to his country, is suffering from a mental disorder which is akin to Anorexia Nervosa, the disease which makes those who suffer from it believe that they are overweight when indeed they are critically underweight.  In it’s worst form, sufferers of Anorexia have been known to literally starve themselves to death.

In Mannings case, he is suffering from Gender Identity Disorder, an illness which leads the sufferer to believe that they are indeed the opposite sex from that which nature assigned them at the moment of conception, and which is completely irreversible.

We don’t generally allow Anorexic people to continue their fantasies without intervention, because the results of that action could lead to their demise.  Why then do we sympathize with the fantasies of the so-called “Transgendered”, who can obviously change their appearance in dramatic ways, but never actually change their sex. They simply become willing capons, having sexually mutilated their bodies in a tragic quest to accomplish an impossible goal.  Only in the “Alice in Wonderland”,  fairytale world of the Liberal/Progressive can this behavior be considered in any way normal.

Thanks to Barack Obama, Bradly Manning (aka Chelsea) was pardoned for his crime in 2016 and released from federal prison.  Manning has since become one of the “cause celebre” of the liberal movement and the LGBT community.  His Veterans Day Tweet, which  admonished the government to stop sending our military to engage in foreign conflicts, might come back to bite him if one of our greatest adversaries, Radical Islam, ever gains a foothold in this country.  Manning, and all those like him, would be given a rapid drop off a high building if Sharia Law was applied to their condition.

Also at stake is the very foundation of our military.  Sometime in the next few months it will be determined by the Department of Defense whether transgendered will be allowed to continue to serve in the military, or indeed if our military will be required to perform  very expensive “sex change” operations on those people who request them.  These are followed by a lifetime of equally expensive hormone treatments required to maintain the facade.  They would be paid for by the VA in the end.  Without them, the “transgendered” body reverts to it’s natural form, minus the former genitals of course.  Remember.  “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!”   When we can’t even provide adequate medical care for our veterans now, do we really want to add the cost of this social experiment to the mix?

To the sufferers of this “dysphoria”, we can only offer our sympathies, and hope that they seek treatment for their disease.  They deserve help in the same way that Anorexics do.  They will not be helped by pandering to their fantasies.