Political Prisoners?

Pictured above is the Washington, DC jail.  By all accounts is is not a pleasant place to reside.  That would especially be the case if you were being held in solitary confinement and have no idea of when you might be charged and brought to trial for your alleged offenses.  You have become for all intents and purposes a political prisoner.  Nothing quite like this has occurred since Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of “Habeas Corpus” during the American Civil War.

On January 6th of this year tens of thousands of Trump supporters travelled to Washington, DC to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally in support of President Trump and to peacefully protest the results of the November election which was about to be certified by Congress.   Among that group were a small number of radicals.  Egged on by members of Antifa and BLM, their mission wasn’t peaceful political protest, but rather to create chaos and destruction, similar to what had been occurring in many American cities since the death of George Floyd at the end of May last year.

Because of the way the events of that day played out, the mainstream media, and even some conservative news outlets like Fox News, began to describe the protesters actions at the Capitol as a “riot” and implied that President Trump had urged the rally attendees to violently attack the Capitol, and threaten the Congressional Representatives and Senators with physical violence, even execution.  It became a “Perfect Storm” of lies, leftest propaganda and deception.  A cowed Congress quickly voted to certify the election results, although there was substantial evidence that unconstitutional practices had been allowed in at least five “battleground” states, perhaps more, which could overturn the Biden-Harris victory if the questionable votes were thrown out,  or a new election was required.

Now the rally attendees were being described as “Insurrectionists” who intended to overthrow a legally elected government.  Anyone who entered the Capitol building, or even was present outside on the steps, was liable to be arrested and incarcerated by federal law enforcement officials.  Throwing a very wide net, the DOJ demanded bank and credit card information which would identify anyone who had traveled to or stayed in the D.C. area in the period just before, or just after the now famous “riot”.  Citizens as far away as Alaska had their homes physically invaded, with their front door battered down to gain entrance, based on faulty facial recognition technology.  Many individuals, some senior citizens, have been incarcerated in solitary confinement in the D.C jail for months, without formal charges more serious than “Trespassing on federal property”  lodged against  them.  All this occurring while Antifa members who have physically attacked law enforcement officers and attempted to firebomb federal buildings in Portland, OR are released without bail.  What is happening to this country?  What is happening to our Constitutional Rights?

It is time for the few non-biased news organizations left to publish the names of the individuals who have been arrested and incarcerated without formal charges since January 6th.  The number of days they have been held in solitary confinement should be updated on a daily basis.  These people are political prisoners, make no mistake about it.  If the federal government can do this to them, they can do it to anyone of us.

Now, intimidated by an unsigned letter claimed to have come from members of the Capitol Police, 36 Republican members of Congress have signed on to a bill creating a “Commission” to examine the events of January 6th, based on the “9-11 Commission” which gave us the “Patriot Act” and the TSA, which have seriously infringed upon the rights and privileges of honest American citizens.  This new, politically motivated commission will be the “Russian Collusion Investigation” on steroids.  We cannot allow this to happen.  As Benjamin Franklin so accurately observed:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” 

The left isn’t stealing this nation.  By our inaction, we are giving it to them.  It must stop, and soon!