Covid-19 Vaccine Choices

As soon as it was available in January of this year to people in our age group, my wife and I took the first, and three weeks later the second Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine shot.  We had absolutely no reaction to either, in fact less that we had to the normal seasonal flu shot last fall.  So, does that mean I am pro Covid vaccine shot?  Well, yes and no. 

For people at high risk, the elderly or those with significant comorbidity factors, it’s probably wise to take it.  However, if you have a medical history of a bad reaction to vaccines, you probably shouldn’t.  That seems common sense.  Where the problem comes in is when the government demands you take it, or you will be penalized for not doing so.  Where is that happening?  You guessed it, in areas controlled by Democrats, who as always are all in with the concept of controlling our lives.

What should be pushed by the authorities is free availability for people to obtain a test to determine whether an individual already has antibodies in their system against the Covid-19 virus.  This could be because they previously had an asymptomatic case of the disease, were diagnosed with it and recovered with or without hospitalization, or had completed the vaccine process and waited an appropriate time for the antibodies/antigens to appear in their bloodstream.  If they are found to be there, it would be completely unnecessary, and probably unwise for people who had become naturally immune to take the vaccine.

Because the Biden-Harris regime was first against the “Trump Vaccine” but now one hundred percent in favor of the reimagined “Biden Vaccine”, we are told that this country cannot return to “normal” until everyone has been vaccinated for Covid-19 and has  documentation to prove it in the form of a “Covid Passport”.  Those who refuse, for whatever reason, must be shunned and punished wherever and whenever possible.  Control is more important than common sense or our Constitutional rights. 

Democrat leftists (are there any other kind?) have become the ultimate bully, who sucker punches you and then claims you started the fight.  Well, like World War Two, the last war that this country actually allowed our military to win without interference from politicians, we didn’t start this war on our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but we damn well had better finish it in total victory or we will lose our country, bit by bit..