Term Limits?

In 1997 author Vince Flynn wrote a political thriller called “Term Limits” which was almost a presentient vision of possible future events.  In the book, three very prominent and corrupt politicians are assassinated in Washington, DC.  These actions are followed by a message from a mysterious group who takes credit for the killings and then demands that the American government set aside partisan politics and restore power to the people, specifically a balanced budget amendment and term limits for all of Congress.  If that doesn’t happen, the assassinations will continue.

So how does this concept fit into todays society, where fully half of the nation feels that the 2020 elections were a sham and a presidential administration has been installed by illegal and indeed unconstitutional means?  Where indeed the Democratic Party has learned to cheat on a level unheard of in American politics before.  It is obvious to any rational person that the Democrats have staged what amounts to a political coup, and by their actions since January 20th have signaled that they plan on being in power forever. 

Many Americans have lost all faith in our electoral system, and the ability of the people to rein in government overreach through use of the checks and balances the Founding Fathers wisely wrote into our Constitution.  One of the things that was most distressing about the events of November 3rd was that the highest court in the land was unwilling to even address the obvious violations which occurred on or just prior to Election Day. 

It is unconstitutional for any office other that the State Legislature to set voting procedures for the individual states.  However, in several key “battleground” states, governors, judges or state attorney generals implemented rules which had a direct effect on the election results.  This was totally unconstitutional, and that fact should have been validated by the Supreme Court at the time.  The fact that it wasn’t created the atmosphere of anger, frustration and distrust which allowed what began as a peaceful protest allowed by the First Amendment to get out of control at the nations Capitol on January 20th.  Thomas Jefferson famously observed:

“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” 

The policies which have been put in place by the Democrats in Congress and the Biden-Harris regime are repressive and tyrannical.  Right now, the people have reason to fear the government.  For the sake of our nation and all future generations we must turn that around.

Make no mistake, I abhor violence and will never advocate it.   However, I abhor tyranny as well.   Arresting and incarcerating people on the thinest of charges, calling them “insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists”, all the while excusing the riots and looting which occurred last summer as somehow justifiable because they were done in the name of some amorphous concept of “social justice” is inconceivable to me.  This is not the America I grew up in and love.  It is instead a dark mirror image of what this country has always stood for.  It is definitely not “The American Way”.  Somehow, some way, the federal government must be brought to heel, and learn once again to respect, if not fear, The People.