The Threats We Face

Someone recently pointed out that accepting  the obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional 2020 election results, when in some states  individuals or bodies other than the state legislature had established or changed their election procedures, solely because those election results have already been certified, is like saying a murderer shouldn’t be prosecuted because the victim is already dead.

In less than four months since their inauguration, the Biden-Harris administration has created chaos over a broad spectrum of issues.  The southern border is open, and we are on track to have at least one million, possibly as many as two million additional illegal immigrants enter our country this year alone.  Not all of them are non-threatening.  There are surely terrorists and violent criminals among them.  In addition, most of these people are indeed unable to support themselves financially, and will place an ever increasing burden on the social welfare programs intended solely for American citizens.

In the Middle East, relaxing the pressure on Iran has allowed that country, our sworn enemy since 1979, to once again foment unrest in the region, with Hamas attacking our principal ally, Israel, on several fronts.  People will die because of the feckless behavior of Joe Biden and John Kerry, make no mistake about that.

Having cancelled construction on the Keystone Oil Pipeline by executive order on his first day in office, Biden has set the stage for our country to once again become dependent on foreign oil sources instead of the energy independence we achieved under the Trump administration.  Our adversaries are aware of that, and Russian based hackers were apparently responsible for a “ransomware” attack which shut down the major pipeline supplying petroleum products to the southeastern and mid Atlantic states.  This instantly created a shortage of gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel which caused massive lines to form at stations which still had fuel and the cancellation of many flights in an already Covid crippled airline industry.  We were witness to scenes not experienced since the Arab Oil Embargo fiasco during the Jimmy Carter administration in 1973.  Gas prices are skyrocketing in many areas and will continue to rise to the levels we experienced during the Obama years.  But a yet much more devastating threat exists.

Our power grid is even more vulnerable than the pipelines,  and it could be disabled without using a cyber attack, by the brute force method of dynamiting key power lines or distribution facilities.  This could have a cascading effect, putting large areas of homes, businesses and public transit offline.  Even more threatening is the possibility of an EMP attack on our nation.  Any country, or combination of countries processing satellite launch and nuclear weapon capability would be able to devastate much or all of this country in seconds, effectively putting us back in the horse and buggy era.  Among our adversaries, China, North Korea and Russia already have those things, and thanks to Biden and Kerry, Iran will soon join that club.

So, should we just sit back and have our country destroyed by the Biden-Harris cabal? Absolutely not.  The only question is how can they be removed from office.  That remains to be seen, but it won’y be pretty.