A New “Blue Flu”?

The latest insanity to come out of the George Floyd protests is the demand by various leftest groups that we “defund” our law enforcement agencies, and in the extreme case, eliminate them altogether.  With that in mind, perhaps it is time to give those who are contemplating such actions a practical demonstration of what will happen if they are implemented.

Law enforcement personnel all over the country, but particularly in many major cities under Democratic control, have been subjected to 12 hour shifts with no days off to recuperate.  They have been spat upon, verbally and physically assaulted by not so “peaceful” demonstrators.  Many of those were not wearing protective masks or complying with the “social distancing” precautions which we have been told are so essential if we are to survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

As such it is reasonable to assume that many, if not most members of law enforcement agencies have been exposed to the virus by asymptomatic individuals among the protestors.  It is not unreasonable to assume that they will shortly start coming down with symptoms themselves, and require self quarantine procedures to be implemented.

So shortly, not a few major cities may find themselves in the very situation that some protestors are currently demanding.  Namely, a “Police Free Zone”. It will be an interesting experiment, since many of these cities are also “Gun Free Zones” whose administrations have passed laws preventing their citizens from being able to arm and protect themselves.

Good luck to you all. You’re going to need it…….