BLM “Militia”?

It’s official.  The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.   Mayors and city councils in various Democrat controlled cities around the country are now proposing to defund and/or disband their police departments.  Civil order would now be maintained by some amorphous, non-threatening organization.  Perhaps “Black Lives Matter” or the Southern Poverty Law Center would be tasked with setting up “Militias” to keep the peace.  I’m sure they would do a far better job than the racist organizations currently in control.

The inner cities already have core groups in place, ready to take command and control. Remember the “New Black Panthers” standing guard outside Philadelphia voting precincts during the 2008 elections?  The ones that Eric Holder, Obama’s “Wingman” Attorney General refused to prosecute for voter intimidation?  They’re the perfect model for the new, non-racist militia.

Perhaps a “Black Panther Youth” organization could be formed with the sole task of seeing that ballots are collected from peoples homes, so they wouldn’t have to go through the unpleasant  process of going to polling places to vote.  Demeaning identification would not be required, of course.   A verbal affirmation that the individual is a legal citizen and resident of the state would be deemed sufficient, and in any language they are comfortable with.  These young people would be armed of course, to protect the sanctity of the ballots.

What’s next on the list?  The possibilities are endless.  Reparations for all African-Americans,  based on the number of years an ancestor was held as a slave?  Since records on those individuals may be hard to obtain, a written affirmation of the claim will be sufficient.  Of course multiple claims for multiple ancestors will be allowed under the same principles.

All Caucasian-Americans, regardless of national origin, shall be deemed racists.  Denying that charge will be proof that the individual is indeed a racist.  At the discretion of militia tribunals, people accused and convicted of racism can be required to turn over their property to their accuser.  We will finally have entered a new age in this country.  We will have, in the words of former President Barack Obama, been “Fundamentally Transformed”.