More Officers Down.

Two police officers are gunned down in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio.  The officers are both white. The shooter has been identified as Quentin Lamar Smith.  He is black, and apparently has an extensive criminal record.  The killing was ambush style.  It had to be.  In the current environment, no law enforcement officer is going to answer a domestic violence 911 call without being very careful.  It is almost as if they were purposely lured there by the suspect’s actions in order to be slaughtered. Sound familiar?  Dallas ring a bell?

This isn’t a black on white crime, although that could have been part of the motive.  This is a black on police crime, stoked by the inflammatory rhetoric of groups like Black Lives Matter, who’s proponents chant “What do we want? Dead cops!” “When do we want it? NOW!”, and “Pigs in a blanket, fry-’em like bacon!”  This organization, and others like it, the New Black Panthers, for instance, should be labeled as what they are: Domestic Terrorist Groups.

Calling for policemen to be killed, supposedly in retribution for police violence against the black community in America, is simply unacceptable.  It appears to me that we are allowing the screams of outrage against “Police Violence” to cover up the fact that in many areas of this country black crime rates are out of control.  Why?  Far too many young black males are out of control.  They come from single parent families with no strong positive male influence in their lives.

This awful phenomena has been created by supposedly well meaning liberal/progressives over the last fifty years.  Every place they control, black on black crime is out of control.  Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore are classic examples of that, and it is only going to get worse.  Unless, that is, the good, decent, responsible and respectable members of the black community rise up and shout ENOUGH!

The first black American President and his black Attorney Generals, black cabinet members, and rabid black and white supporters did nothing, NOTHING, to raise the standard of living of the black race. They instead continued to blame others for the problems which they had indeed created.  They racially DIVIDED the country, not tried to bring it together.  And they continue to do so.

The so-called “Identity Politics” which have become part and parcel of the Democrats platform continue to pull us apart.  Their lust for power at any cost is destroying our nation.  God help us if they regain control of the government this fall.

Now, the seeds of hatred and distrust the Democrats, and the groups they support have sown, have resulted in the loss of another two veteran police officers.  They happened to be white, but by the luck of the draw they could have been black, as was the case with some of the Dallas police victims.  Irrational hatred sees no skin color, only the uniform.