Monthly Archives: February 2018

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

As I prepared to give a lecture on the crash of TWA 800 this week, I was struck with the parallels between that event and the current revelations about our highest levels of federal law enforcement, the DOJ and the FBI, and if they are truly working in the best interests of the American people.

It is once again apparent to me that the more power we give to the federal government, the more opportunity arises for that power to be abused.  Why is that?  To me, it’s obvious, it’s called accountability.

If we get a rogue officer in our local police or sheriff’s office, we can press to have that person removed.  Most County Sheriffs are elected by the people, and so can be recalled, if the offense is egregious, or replaced in the next election cycle.  Similarly, we can hold our local police accountable through the Mayor or City Council members, who we elected to office. Continue reading Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?