

When we see bad things happen and look the other way, more bad things happen.  When we hear people say things which we know are factually incorrect, and don’t speak up because we fear being ostracized as “hurtful”, bad things happen.  When we allow ourselves to be bullied into accepting our Constitutional Rights being denied us, really bad things happen.  That is exactly where we find ourselves today.

Many  of our most basic Constitutional Rights have been systematically stripped away for years by politicians and un-elected bureaucrats, and we haven’t fought back because most of us were too lazy to do so.  Let someone else do it.  “You can’t fight city hall!” has been the mantra of far too many of us, and because of it, we are on the verge of losing all our freedoms and our Republic.

On one side of the street stand shouting individuals who call themselves “Protesters”.  If they only choose to shout, scream and wave signs, that is their right under our Constitution.  However, if you allow them to escalate into preventing others from expressing opposing views, and doing so by violence, that is mob behavior, and that is not a “Right”.

An ever increasing group of people in this country feel that they have permission to riot and loot, and a large group of politicians and officials in Democrat controlled states and cities have allowed that to happen.  The rioters we see on the streets are not solely black. All skin colors are represented.  But they all have one thing in common.  They condone violence if directed towards the one thing they all hate.  That thing is authority. Politicians and academics who pander to these people just to maintain their own power must understand that there is indeed what has been referred to as a “Silent Majority”.   Americans, who are willing to allow this behavior to go on for just so long until they rise up in self defense and strike back.  We are perilously close to that time.

When thugs, and yes, that’s what they are, thugs, feel they can torch their own neighborhoods and then spread that violence and destruction to other communities, they will shortly find that they will face extreme resistance from law abiding citizens unwilling to accept mob rule.  Hopefully, law enforcement will assist the honest citizenry in defending themselves, but either way, defend themselves they must.  Perhaps this is exactly the reason the Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment.

I am not condemning a race.  Obviously, there are many law abiding and responsible black Americans.  Probably a majority.  They have professions and own businesses, they care about their homes, schools, churches and communities.  However, a cancer has been sown in that group which has been allowed to metastasize to the point it will soon destroy the good with the bad if it isn’t stopped, and soon. 

The wheels of justice sometimes seem to grind slowly.  However, the system works if citizens demand it does so, and is applied equally and equably.  Mob rule benefits no one. It is past time to simply say…….Enough!