A Second Civil War?

I believe we are slowly drifting towards our second Civil War. I wish I didn’t.  However,  many of the factors which caused the first one are yet again in play, and made worse by the fact that an unbiased press no longer exists in this country. The vast majority of that institution is solidly on the left, and objective news coverage is no longer being distributed by the majority of media outlets, replaced by opinions.  In addition the so-called “Social Media” outlets like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are moving to eliminate any content that they feel is “inappropriate”.

There is a place for opinions, but it should be on the opinion pages of the newspapers and magazines, or as opinion shows on the broadcast media.  With very few exceptions that is no longer happening, and as a result our country is becoming more and more divided, and in a very toxic way.  If civil debate is no longer possible, civil war in some form must necessarily follow.

Barrack Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” of our country added over nine and a half trillion dollars to our national debt, doubling that liability in only eight years, and for no visible gain.  We were in recession when he took office in 2008 and had not recovered from that when he left office in 2017.  All the benefits of a “green energy” economy never occurred.  Neither did the “shovel ready” projects which were supposed to rebuild our infrastructure.  Instead, we continued to allow our essential industries to be “outsourced” to nations like China, who is bent on world domination.  The results of those unwise policies are apparent in the current pandemic.

Instead of coming together against the common enemy of this disease, the Democrats under Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, along with former Obama administration officials, led by the former POTUS himself, continue to obstruct in any way possible the efforts of the Trump administration to deal with the crisis.  The overwhelming majority of the national media are assisting them at that task.  It is obvious to anyone with an ounce of objectivity that their only goal is to regain control of all three branches of our government, and they don’t care how much damage to our society is done in the process.

If the Democrats are successful, our country forevermore will be controlled by the wishes of politicians who hold office in few large cities and counties across our nation. Disagreement with those opinions and policies will not be tolerated. The Democrats have allowed a weaponization of various federal, state and even local  agencies to the point that, taken to its almost inevitable extreme, some sort of armed insurrection is the only course left open to to an oppressed population.

The Second Amendment reads in full: 

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

Those on the left would have you believe that the “Militia” so mentioned was something like the National Guard, a military organization controlled by the State Government, indeed by the State’s Governor.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The militia was a group of armed citizens who could band together to defend themselves against political excesses of an out of control state or federal government.

Consider what has occurred during the current pandemic.  State Governors, mostly but not exclusively Democrats, have arbitrarily denied the Constitutional Rights of their citizens. They have prevented individuals from earning a living.  They have closed businesses they deemed “unessential”, while arbitrarily allowed others, like abortion clinics and “Pot” shops, to remain open.  They have closed our schools and churches, mandated draconian measures that violate numerous sections of the “Bill of Rights”, and effectively put us under house arrest.   All this done under the concept of a “National Emergency”.

Even though data clearly indicates that the Coronavirus is far less deadly than first supposed, they have refused to ease the restrictions on our civil liberties that they have imposed.   They are drunk with power, and refuse to relinquish their strangle hold on their state, in many cases doubling down and extending their lockdowns. 

The excesses of the Obama administration are becoming more and more evident, and they go all the way up to the Oval Office.  Though few in the national media will admit to it, everything from the “Russian Collusion” hoax to the impeachment fiasco have been a blatant attempt to overthrow the results of the 2016 presidential election.  If the current Department of Justice doesn’t indict and prosecute the likes of Andrew McCabe, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page among others, the American public will rightfully lose faith in the institutions those individuals represented.

A few years after the American Revolution, the French had one of their own.  The American Colonists simply wanted freedom from the British Monarchy and the right to self determination.  We didn’t call for King George’s head on a pike.  The French however were out for blood, and guillotined their royalty and thousands of others in the process.  These excesses led to the reign of Napoleon, who finally nearly destroyed the French nation.

A general uprising of half this country against the excesses of the Democrats and the left will necessarily be a bloody affair indeed.   We must hope that “The better angels of our nature” mentioned by Abraham Lincoln in his first inaugural address will prevail. Unfortunately they didn’t in 1861, and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in our first civil war as a result.