A Small Round Hole

I don’t know about you, but the more I watch the various Trump hating commentators on television, the more I begin to have a recurring fantasy dream.  Suddenly, in the middle of their rant, a small round hole appears in their forehead.  Undeterred, they keep on spewing the drivil. 

“Orange man BAD!” They say.  Orange man wants to kill: (Old people, various minorities, all Democrats, or just plain anyone who disagrees with him. Take your pick).  Orange man wants to steal another election.  Orange man wants to be a dictator.  They drone on and on.  Then it strikes me.  The reason these intellectual Zombies don’t fall over with the bullet in their brain is simply because they are already brain dead!

Hillary Clinton should be our President!  There’s a scary thought.  Joe Biden should be our President!  That’s an even scarier one.  Bernie Sanders should be our President!  That’s the scariest thought of all.  Well, maybe not.  Vice President Stacey Abrams replacing Joe Biden a few months after the election is even more terrifying! 

The fantasy dream has now turned into a nightmare.  Because the Senate has been recaptured by the Democrats, and they also increased their majority in the House, Michelle Obama replaces John Roberts as Chief Justice after he dies of a broken neck, tripping on the steps of the White House on the way home from swearing in President Abrams.  Claims that the fall wasn’t accidental are ridiculed by the media.  Justice Kavanaugh is impeached and removed from the court, replaced by Kamala Harris.  Clarence Thomas dies from a mysterious Ebola virus infection incurred while on vacation in the Caribbean, and is replaced by Moisha Jones, the first member of the LGBT community on the Court.  The Democrats now control all three branches of the federal government. 

President Abrams, in a joint news conference with wheelchair bound Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, announce the pardon of all “undocumented” aliens, and a procedure which will fast track their citizenship prior to the 2024 elections.  Amazingly, instead of the “11 to 12 million” undocumented previously claimed,  the actual number turns out to be over 60 million.  An additional 60 million relatives will soon arrive under the “Chain Migration” rules.  By Presidential degree, they all will immediately be given full voting rights and unlimited access to various Federal programs, including Social Security and Medicare. 

Trump’s border wall will be torn down, and the metal melted down and repurposed for building numerous new bridges over the Rio Grande.  Hearing this, Canada seals its border, and begins building its own wall. Due to the fact that Democrats outnumber Republicans and Independents in all 50 states, a Constitutional Convention is convened, and first on it’s agenda are the abolishing of “outmoded” concepts such as the First and Second Amendments and the Electoral College.  Voting in all future elections will be online or by telephone.

Drenched in sweat, I bolt upright in bed and immediately find and put on my red MAGA hat. It’s going to be a long 6 months till election day!