He’s not my President?

You can buy one of the bumper stickers shown at left if you’d like.  Maybe it will make you feel like you’re part of the “Resistance” movement as you drive to an open borders, sanctuary city, climate change or black lives matter rally.  But news flash folks. YES HE IS!

During the Obama administration, along with many other conservatives, I felt we weren’t being properly represented by our President as he moved to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  We cringed as Obama apologized to the world for the actions taken by our country in the past.  We winced as we heard his Attorney General call us a nation of cowards where race relations were concerned.  We shuddered as he eulogized thugs and criminals only because they were, in his mind, oppressed minorities.  We suffered through months and years of rising national debt, broken promises about our healthcare system, and watching the flag covered coffins of our brave military members being brought home from foreign battlefields.  They lost their lives because of increasingly politicized and mismanaged decisions by their commanders, who were fighting a real war, with real bullets and IED’s, under totally unrealistic “rules of engagement”.   We witnessed all that, but were never under the illusion that Barack Obama was indeed not our 44th President.

So, you can mock Trump at your celebrity galas, and dismiss him at your cocktail parties and rallies.  You can live in a fantasy world of denial if you wish, with Chuck, Nancy and Hillary as your idols.  What you can’t do is stop Donald Trump from trying to clean up the mess his predecessor helped create.  And although you might wish it wasn’t so, you can’t change the fact that Donald Trump is indeed the legitimately elected 45th President of the United States.