Close the Jefferson Memorial?

I am growing very tired of the professional race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others using their platform to continue to stir the caldron of race relations into a frenzy of hate and fear.  Blacks are continually told by these agitators that they must fear the very individuals who bring a modicum of safety into their communities.  Namely, the police.  Blacks are told that whites hate them, and want to “put the chains back on”. Remember who said that?  It was the Vice President Joe Biden.  Yes, he was referring to the Republicans, but the implication that all whites hate all blacks was what remained in the mind of many in the black community.

Sharpton’s latest crusade is to have the Jefferson Memorial in Washington shut down because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.  Next, will he demand the shut down of the Washington Monument, or indeed changing the name of our nation’s capital?  The covering or removal of statues of Confederate Generals or common soldiers is a deliberate poke in the eye of a significant portion of our population, those whose ancestors served on the Confederate side during the Civil War.  Confederate symbols such as their flag are being compared with the Swastika of the Nazis.  This is madness.  Might I once again point out that it was the North that invaded the South in 1861, not the other way around.  The Confederate President Jefferson Davis repeatedly said “All we want is to be left alone”.

Instead, the Union armies marched on Richmond, instigating the first major Civil War battle at “Bull Run” and starting a war that resulted in the deaths and wounding of hundreds of thousands of Americans on both sides.  Yes, it resulted in the freeing of the slaves, but history indicates that would have occurred in any case, slavery having been eliminated in all other western countries prior to 1860.

So, 152 years after all American slaves were freed, 53 years after the ending of racial discrimination with the signing of the Civil Rights Act, and 9 years after the election of our first black President, we still have racial discord.  Why?  Because we have the likes of the “Neo-Nazis”, David Duke and the KKK on one side, and Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and “Black Lives Matter” et al on the other.  None of these people or groups have the best interests of our nation at heart.  They are there to promote division and discord, hate and distrust.

We must all step back, take a deep breath, and remember that we can’t guarantee our rights and freedoms by denying the rights and freedoms of others.  We must must stamp out the divisive concept of “Political Correctness” and embrace the rebirth of personal responsibility in our daily lives.  If we don’t, we are headed for a very dark place indeed.