Monthly Archives: October 2016


img_1723People have asked me why I am doing this. Why expend time, money and effort on a blog website? The answer is simple, at least to me.  I’m an ordinary guy, who has been privileged to live an extraordinary life doing something that I loved dearly, fly airplanes.  From the smallest to the largest, they were all challenging, but FUN!  Not many people have the opportunity to do for a living what they really enjoy.  So, to not acknowledge that it was a privilege, an earned privilege, but still a privilege granted to few, would be ungrateful on my part.  I want to share some of the knowledge and experience that a long career in the field of aviation has given me.

However, there is another very important reason I have embarked on this endeavor.   It deals with the lovely three and a half year old young lady pictured above.  She is my only grandchild, and I want her to have all the benefits I have enjoyed as an American citizen.  For the past one hundred years and more a group of people who regard themselves as “liberals” or more recently as “progressives”, have attempted to re-shape this country into a place where there is equality, not of opportunity, but of result.  In other words, a place where we all will share equally, whether we work or not.  That false premise is embodied in communist/socialist philosophy. Karl Marx, the father of modern communism, was fond of saying:  “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  However, it has NEVER worked in practice.  In every communist/socialist society there has always been an elite group who lived very well off the goods and services provided by the ordinary people.  They “governed”, they didn’t need to work! Continue reading Why?

What is the agenda?

egyptian-coptic-christiansThe picture at left, of Coptic Christian Egyptian men about to be beheaded by hooded members of ISIS, should shock you.  In fact, that was and is the goal of ISIS and the rest of “Radical Islam”.  Simply put, it is to shock and terrorize non-believers in their supposed “Religion of Peace”.  The generally accepted English translation of Islam is “To Submit” or “Submission”.  The question is, Submit to what? The quick answer is “Submit to the word of Allah”.  Most religions tell us to submit to the will of a supreme being, but only one in the 21st Century has death as the penalty for those who refuse to do so.  That religion is Islam.  Deniers of that fact do so at their peril.

Christians all over the Middle East,  and indeed wherever Muslims are in the majority, are being persecuted and frequently horrifically murdered because of adherence to their faith.  Currently, there is a program to allow “refugees” from various Middle Eastern countries to enter our country. Officials from various federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and ICE have stated categorically that Muslims from this area, especially Syria, cannot be properly “vetted” to determine if they pose potential threats to our nation.  Yet, because of the policies of the Obama administration, they are entering by the thousands and being resettled at taxpayer expense throughout our country. The group who  are unquestionably being persecuted in their homelands are Christians, but they comprise only a tiny fraction of the refugee group. One must ask why?  What is the agenda of this administration?  Why are those truly in danger not being helped?  Finally, what are the goals of a potential new Clinton administration with reference to this shameful situation?  Is there a hidden agenda?  The American people have a right to know.  This is indeed a matter of life or death.

Does Character Matter?

dr-martin-luther-kingIn his famous “I have a dream” speech, Dr. Martin Luther King stated that he dreamt of a world where his children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character. What did he mean by that statement? A dictionary definition of the word “character” states in part: “The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual”. The mental part is pretty much self explanatory, but what is the concept of “moral qualities”? Back to the dictionary, which in part says: “concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character”.

It appears that, at least for some of us, we needn’t hold public personalities, especially politicians, to the same standards which we demand of others. Why is this so? Of all the people we deal with in our lives, even with so remote a connection as casting a ballot, we should hold those who seek public office to the highest possible standards. They represent us to our local community, county, state, nation and the rest of the world in general. They potentially determine every facet of our existence, from the minutia of our daily lives right up to and including whether we are wiped from the face of the earth by a weapon of mass destruction. And no, I didn’t mean “wiped, like with a cloth or something”.  Instead of setting a very high bar of conduct for our politicians to have to step over, we frequently let sex offenders, spousal abusers, tax cheaters and most prominently known serial liars, slide under the bar and be elected. What is wrong with us? Continue reading Does Character Matter?

Fire on the Water – The crash of TWA 800

It began on July 16, 1996.  0ver 20 years ago.  That’s when I began to lose faith in our government.  That evening 230 people died a horrific death with the crash of TWA 800 and the loss of all souls aboard.  What transpired after that event can only be described as the most egregious coverup in my lifetime.  That coverup was perpetrated by our own government.  It was accomplished with the active participation of the Executive Branch of the Clinton administration, from the President on down.   It used the offices of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NTSB, the CIA, the FAA and others to perpetrate a fraud on the American people.  Bill and Hillary Clinton, often referred to as “Billary” by political insiders who knew how much influence she had in shaping the actions taken during the Clinton administration years, were extremely concerned about the concept of an airliner shot being down by a surface to air missile in sight of the South Shore of Long Island, NY.  Whether it was due to a bizarre “friendly fire” incident or a terrorist action, they knew it could have a serious effect on the upcoming Presidential election that fall.  Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton was a major player in the decision to coverup the true facts about this tragedy.  There is no reasonable doubt about that.  Photographs exist showing her standing grim faced in the situation room at the White House as the information came in about the crash.  Why would the First Lady be a participant in such meetings?  A gullible American public, faced with supposed “facts” as portrayed by formerly trustworthy government agencies, and parroted by a willing media, was talked into believing an outrageous lie.  It was The Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travel-gate, and Monica Lewinsky all over again, only this time 230 lives had been snuffed out, and the facts had to be covered up to save Bill Clinton’s presidency.  As we know from the Watergate fiasco, once a coverup is initiated it is extremely difficult to “put the genie back in the bottle”.  These things take on a life of their own. As those of us closely involved with the process of the investigation were beginning to realize, things had gone terribly wrong.  More about that in a later post.

The Dreaded “P” Word (and other words to avoid)

kittenDonald Trump was heard to say, in a recording from 2005, the dreaded “P” word. The Democrats and the liberal media are outraged! They have never heard such DISGUSTING language before. Major sports figures are disputing Trump’s comment that this was just men’s “locker-room” talk. The good Lord knows that nothing more offensive than DARN!! or GOLLY!! or H.E. DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!! Is ever heard in the sacred halls beneath the stadium. That got me to thinking. What other offensive words are out there? We all know about the “N” word, which can only be uttered by African-Americans. Only they are allowed to use the “B & H” words as well. Then there is the “S” word, which refers to a bodily function, and the “C” world which refers to a part of a female’s anatomy and is interchangeable with the “T” word and the “P” word, mentioned above. Isn’t Political Correctness grand? Finally, there is the dreaded “F” word, which, according to many members of Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service detail, she has learned to use in many creative ways to express her anger, distain and disgust with many individuals, animals and inanimate objects. Life sure is getting complicated! I think I’ll just go back to bed and pull the covers over my head.

Sheriff Joe versus the Department of Injustice

sherriff-arpiaoThe Obama Department of Injustice has decided to file contempt charges against Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I’ve got a feeling that they may have “treed the wrong cat”! Sheriff Joe, as he’s affectionately known to his supporters, has steadfastly continued a sort of “Stop and Frisk” program in an attempt to curtail the flood of illegal immigrants into his county, which includes most of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Arpaio doesn’t believe in coddling prisoners either. Inmates in the Maricopa jail system live in un-airconditioned tents if the prison cells become overcrowded. When they complained about the desert summer heat, he reminded them that our troops in the Middle East were living under much worse conditions. He feeds them gourmet fare such as baloney sandwiches and only allows limited “wholesome” programing such as the Disney Channel on the prison televisions. There are no weight rooms, so the inmates can’t “bulk up” while incarcerated, and when he found that prison supplied underwear was being stolen and sold, he had everything dyed pink. The thefts stopped. Joe has the strange notion that prisoners shouldn’t feel like they are in county funded summer camps, but rather are “doing time” for their transgressions. What a novel concept!

Arpaio is also a “Birther”. While he hasn’t said definitively that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii as claimed, he has pointed out the many discrepancies in the “long form” birth certificate released by the White House. He is also an avid supporter of Donald Trump. Obviously, this has put him at odds with the Obama Administration, and with much of the Republican establishment as well.

When Hispanics, some of them illegals, complained about the stop and check status program, a judge demanded that the program cease. When Sheriff Joe refused, he was cited for contempt of court. Now, the Department of Injustice has decided to file formal charges against him. When he gets in front of a jury of his peers, I’m betting on Joe.


Another Civil War?

civil_war_flagsI have never been quite able to come to grips as to why millions of Americans, most of whom were not slave owners, would support secession and have their state formally  leave the union. Was it really about the concept of maintaining the so-called “peculiar institution” of slavery, or was it something much more important? I am beginning to understand their real motivation. Namely, to stop what they felt was the tyranny of an oppressive federal government from imposing it’s will, and the belief system of another group of states, upon them.

Of course there were many hard core slave owning individuals in the Confederate Army. However, they were almost exclusively officers. Did the average soldier in butternut gray stand up to the horrible carnage that typified  war in that era to keep slaves as the property of a wealthy few? I think not. With few exceptions, such as the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania by the Army of Northern Virginia prior to the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, the Armies of the North were the aggressor. The average Confederate soldier felt he was defending his home.

My growing understanding of that motivation has come since I have witnessed the tyranny of a few ultra liberal states and cities, with majority Democrats in power, use that power to overwhelm and intimidate the rest of the country. Those individuals, led by President Barak Obama, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid have shredded our Constitution, and imposed egregious programs like The Affordable Care Act (aka: Obamacare) on the American people during the last 8 years. Our core beliefs, like freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms for self protection, traditional marriage, local control of education, national security, thrift and religious belief have been overwhelmed by liberal concepts such as open borders, gay marriage, gun control and “common core” control of our schools. We have been told that people can “choose” their sexual identity, and enforce that “choice” on the rest of us. We are told that in “fairness” we must re-distribute wealth in our country, rewarding those who don’t work by penalizing those who do. By any definition we are sliding down a slope towards some kind of bizarre combination of communism and Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe that in the end Americans will rise up against that concept. Continue reading Another Civil War?

Man proposes, God disposes………..

hurricaneI have been without internet services for several days here in the “Low Country” of South Carolina. Thankfully, Hurricane Matthew is now out to sea. Unless it makes a bizarre 270 degree turn, like Hurricane Jeanne did in 2004, it will probably no longer be a threat to our country. The damage, injuries and deaths caused by the storm will go down in the record books and life will go on. As the saying goes, “Man proposes, God disposes”.

There is another, much more dangerous threat to our nation on the near horizon, the next Presidential election in November. Except for the die hard supporters of either the Republican or Democratic candidate, most voters, myself included, view this as a “lesser of two evils” situation. Surely, the two major parties could have come up with better choices this time out, but they didn’t. It is what it is. So we will all have a choice to make when we walk into the voting booth, and we had better be sure that choice is the right one.

As in 2008, we again have the “historic” opportunity to elect another “first” to the Presidency. This time it’s a woman, instead of an African-American, vying for our highest office. I think it’s time to reflect on what the last “historic” event wrought. If you really believe that we are better off now as a nation than we were 8 years ago, then you can stop reading. If not, consider this: Continue reading Man proposes, God disposes………..

You’ve got a knife, I’ve got a gun…..

1446825460811The latest message from the peaceful religion of Islam as practiced by ISIS is to encourage knife attacks against soft targets such as supermarkets, shopping malls and sporting events, to maim, kill and terrorize innocent civilians. ISIS also advises it’s adherents to consider such attacks in quiet, so-called “safe” neighborhoods. This technique has been used widely in Israel, and is now coming to America. Recent knife and meat cleaver attacks in Minnesota, New York and Virginia may be precursors of more to come in this country. Well, maybe we should pay heed to the words of an old Hoyt Axton song: “You’ve got a knife, I’ve got a gun. Come on boy, we’re gonna have a little fun………..”! Once again, the right granted to us by the Second Amendment of the Constitution to protect ourselves against violent, life threatening attacks comes to the forefront. I don’t know about you, but frankly I’d rather be shot than hacked to death by a religion crazed madman. More to the point, I’d like to be able to defend myself against these people. So, think about it. What is the agenda of so-called “Gun Control”? Is it to make us safer as a society, or to allow another layer of government control over our daily lives? The answer is obvious to me. So, my advice to you is to stay away from “Gun Free Zones”, even if they make them “Weapon Free Zones”. Criminals and terrorists don’t play by the rules, you know. Finally, consider getting the proper training to allow you to arm yourself appropriately, and be able to defend yourself and those around you. That’s just common sense in the increasingly dangerous times we live in.

An “EMP” and the Walking Dead.

zombie-apocalypse-gear-survival-essentials-0Most people have probably watched or at least heard about the television series “The Walking Dead”. The premise of the show is that a mysterious virus or something similar causes a world wide plague which causes the infected to become crazed cannibalistic creatures who can only be killed by a well placed shot to the head. Crazy, you say? Well probably, but consider what would happen if a couple of well targeted missiles generated an “EMP” or “Electro Magnetic Pulse” high over the United States. Virtually everything that uses electricity to operate theoretically would cease to work. An EMP “fries” the electronic “chips” in modern electrical devices. The result? No car, no computer, no cellphone, no refrigerator, no washing machine, etc, etc, etc. In fact, no electricity, since the power distribution networks are controlled by computers. Water and sewer systems as well. Oh yes, and food would quickly become unavailable from the stores, which would be looted by panicked mobs when the reality of what had happened sets in, and no new food supplies would be forthcoming. Kind of think of it as New Orleans after hurricane Katrina on steroids! For those who believe that this couldn’t happen, I suggest you do a little research on the subject. The information is readily available. Continue reading An “EMP” and the Walking Dead.