Fire on the Water – The crash of TWA 800

It began on July 16, 1996.  0ver 20 years ago.  That’s when I began to lose faith in our government.  That evening 230 people died a horrific death with the crash of TWA 800 and the loss of all souls aboard.  What transpired after that event can only be described as the most egregious coverup in my lifetime.  That coverup was perpetrated by our own government.  It was accomplished with the active participation of the Executive Branch of the Clinton administration, from the President on down.   It used the offices of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NTSB, the CIA, the FAA and others to perpetrate a fraud on the American people.  Bill and Hillary Clinton, often referred to as “Billary” by political insiders who knew how much influence she had in shaping the actions taken during the Clinton administration years, were extremely concerned about the concept of an airliner shot being down by a surface to air missile in sight of the South Shore of Long Island, NY.  Whether it was due to a bizarre “friendly fire” incident or a terrorist action, they knew it could have a serious effect on the upcoming Presidential election that fall.  Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton was a major player in the decision to coverup the true facts about this tragedy.  There is no reasonable doubt about that.  Photographs exist showing her standing grim faced in the situation room at the White House as the information came in about the crash.  Why would the First Lady be a participant in such meetings?  A gullible American public, faced with supposed “facts” as portrayed by formerly trustworthy government agencies, and parroted by a willing media, was talked into believing an outrageous lie.  It was The Rose Law Firm, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travel-gate, and Monica Lewinsky all over again, only this time 230 lives had been snuffed out, and the facts had to be covered up to save Bill Clinton’s presidency.  As we know from the Watergate fiasco, once a coverup is initiated it is extremely difficult to “put the genie back in the bottle”.  These things take on a life of their own. As those of us closely involved with the process of the investigation were beginning to realize, things had gone terribly wrong.  More about that in a later post.