Quo vadis America?

comeyIn the eighth year of President Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America”, we must ask ourselves the above question. “Quo vadis” is a Latin phrase meaning “where are you going?”  I believe that is a question we need answered.  Where indeed are we headed as a nation?

We certainly aren’t proceeding towards the “post racial society” envisioned by Barack and Michelle Obama.  Relations between the races have deteriorated at an alarming rate under his administration.  We aren’t more energy self reliant.  Our borders aren’t more secure.  Drug trafficking hasn’t decreased.  We aren’t better protected  from threats from within or without.  The United States military has been severely reduced while our traditional enemy’s armed forces have been growing at an alarming rate.  We are debating whether “transsexuals” should be allowed to serve after sex changes paid for out of the military budget.  Meanwhile, our dedicated “warriors” are leaving in droves.  Nuclear weapon development by rogue nations has gone unchecked and our standing in the world community has been greatly diminished.  Our national debt has doubled with no visible value received.  Our infrastructure is crumbling, and Obama’s claim of “shovel ready projects” was proven an outright fabrication.  Our stock market is at near record highs but is being kept there by unrealistic rates of interest maintained by our Federal Reserve system.  Those in the know are buying precious metals as a hedge against the “bubble” which must surely burst.

All the above is shocking and disheartening, but it’s not the worst thing that has happened since January 20, 2009.  I would propose that the most threatening thing to our way of life is the fact the our Department of Justice has been purloined by politicians for their own self serving political purposes.  After the “Watergate” fiasco occurred during the Nixon administration the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General resigned after President Nixon attempted to interfere with the investigation.  Current Attorney General Loretta Lynch has done all in her power to prevent the FBI from properly investigating a far more serious matter, The Hillary Clinton private e-mail server, national security issue.   It has taken an apparent internal revolt at the FBI to force Director James Comey to announce that the investigation into Hillary’s possible criminal conduct has been reopened due to additional evidence coming to light.  Now, the Democrats are screaming that the action taken by the FBI is simply a mechanism to “stuff the ballot box” and affect the election results.

One fact is indisputable.  We either have an equal system of justice in this country or we don’t.  If the politically powerful are judged by a different set of rules than is applied to the common man, then we are reduced to a hollow shell of what our Constitution stipulates.  This will surely bring anarchy and upheaval to a nation once envied for it’s freedoms and system of justice.  So the question remains. Quo vadis, America?