Justice For All?

gulliver“With liberty and justice for all.”  That sound familiar?  Oh yes, it’s from the “Pledge of Allegiance”.  Only problem is, the United States Government under the present administration isn’t providing equal “Justice” for all.  It is allowing for selective enforcement of our laws, and that cannot be considered “Equal” or “Justice” by any rational measure.  Some examples, you say?  Ok, how about the Internal Revenue Service being used as a weapon to stifle dissent and penalize groups which IRS executive Lois Lerner disagreed with politically?  How about the fact that when this illegal behavior was exposed by a congressional committee, the Obama DOJ refused to indict her, and she was then allowed to retire on a full government pension?  How about a Secretary of State setting up and using a private, unsecured e-mail server, in direct contravention of State Department rules, and then deleting over 30,000 e-mails from that server, all of which were under subpoena from congress?  How about that same Secretary of State using multiple unsecured electronic devices for official communications, and then lying to congress, saying that she had used only one such device, and then destroying the others in question?  How about that same Secretary of State criminally violating numerous federal statutes concerning the proper safekeeping of confidential government documents in her care?  Again, the DOJ refused to indict, and now, that same individual is the Democratic candidate for President of the United States, with a very good chance of being elected?  This is “Justice”?

I have felt for a very long time that our government has gradually been taken over by a group of individuals, from both sides of the “aisle”, who’s agenda is to maximize personal power and wealth, not to serve our nation.  Politicians, up to and including the President of the United States, serve at the sufferance of the PEOPLE!  They SERVE us, not RULE OVER us!  Twice in the last 250 years bloody wars were fought by Americans to defend against what they perceived as injustice from the government which existed at the time.  The smug individuals in the “ruling class” had better remember that fact.  Americans are more divided now than at any time in recent memory.  Pride in America and it’s Constitution still exist.  We are not all mind numbed ideologues.  Those who would prod a sleeping giant had best be wary of it’s wrath.