Color Her Orange?

hillary-in-prisonIn a recent Rasmussen poll 53% of those likely voters surveyed still disagree with the FBI’s decision not to seek an indictment of Hillary Clinton over the private server, national security issues.  A Gallup poll showed 26% of Americans identified themselves as Republicans and 29% as Democrats.  My public school educated math then indicates that the rest, 45%, must be considered either fringe party members or “Independents”.  That’s a bunch, larger than either of the two “major” parties, and that means that 27% of them want to see Mrs. Clinton brought up on charges.  Unless those folks can bifurcate their feelings and vote for someone who they feel might well be a felon, this should bode ill for Hillary.  Is this a strange election season or what?

Meanwhile, the continued leakage of sewage from Wikileaks is ignored by the mainstream media.  The collusion between the Clinton campaign, DNC and various media outlets is undeniable.  For Hillary and DNC Chair Donna Brazile to be able to get away with lying about these actions indicates just how corrupt and politically controlled the Department of Justice has become.  The number of former Clinton team members “taking the fifth” before congressional committees about their involvement with the private server is beginning to look like an episode of “The Sopranos”.

So, there is a very good possibility that we will soon have an individual sitting behind the “Resolute Desk” in the oval office who has a proven record as a serial liar.  An individual who’s moral compass has been broken for years.  A person who’s lust for money and power is legendary and documented. The popular Netflix comedy series called “Orange is the new black” deals with a woman whose illegal behavior in the past finally catches up with her and she is sentenced to prison for her crimes.  Will justice for Hillary’s crimes ever prevail?   Will we ever be able to color her orange?  For the good of the country, I hope so.