The Mueller Witch Hunt.

As I watch the continuing apparent witch hunt being conducted by Special Council Robert Mueller, I am becoming more and more concerned about the existence of what has been described as the “Deep State” in Washington, DC.

My experience with the actions of the FBI, CIA and NTSB during the TWA 800 investigation obviously color my opinion of those organizations, especially the leadership thereof.  However, I continue to be shocked by the excesses demanded by Mueller and his team, and the acceptance of those practices by the Democrats and “Never Trumpers” in the Republican party.

If we allow extra-legal activities to occur in the various government agencies (which was unfortunately an all too common practice during the Obama administration)  because those activities benefit the causes of a particular group or groups, we degenerate into a de facto “Banana Republic”.   Our Constitution, and the rule of law based on that document, go out the window.

The latest action by the FBI to conduct multiple unannounced raids on the offices, home and hotel room of of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, should bring cries of outrage from any group who purports to be against any violation of civil liberties.  An organization like the ACLU, for instance.   As Liberal Democrat and Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz has correctly pointed out, if this type of behavior had occurred during the investigation into the practices of the Clinton Foundation or Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ deleted emails from her private server, the left would have gone ballistic, with the ACLU at the vanguard of the protests.  With regards to the apparent violation of the supposedly sacrosanct principle of “attorney-client privilege” in the case of Trump’s lawyer, the silence on the left is deafening. 

We must be very careful to see to it that the continuing practices of the Mueller investigation, including the scope of that investigation, are not permitted to get totally out of control of the Department of Justice.

What is being attempted by the Democrats, with the full and complete assistance of the “Deep State”, is nothing other than a “Coup”, in total violation of our Constitution.  Down that road is chaos and revolution.  Those who believed in, and voted for Trump, or have come to agree with his policies and actions after he took office, will not countenance a coup of this type. They will fight back with every tool at their disposal, and it won’t look pretty.