Lack of Candor or “Newspeak”?

In 1949, British author George Orwell wrote a novel called “1984”.  It was a dark view of what could happen to formerly free countries if their citizens allowed their government to achieve excessive control over their lives. 

Part of that control, in the case of the novel, was the creation of an artificial language called “Newspeak”.   It was a tool, used by the government, to limit freedom of thought, and concepts which might pose a threat to the regime, such as freedom of self-expression, and individuality.   Any form of thought alternative to the party’s policies was classified as a “thoughtcrime”.

In many European countries that situation already exits.  Individuals can be arrested and prosecuted for what is loosely defined as “Hate Speech” against another group.  If the left in this country has it’s way, we will soon be subject to these “Orwellian” policies here.  In many ways we already are.  The concept of “Political Correctness” has gradually chipped away at the very foundations of the “Bill of Rights” enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution.  People can be sued, by federal, state or local governments, simply for expressing their opinions.  Remember, the concept of protecting the right of “Free Speech” isn’t there to protect what is commonly acceptable.  It’s to protect ALL speech, even if it is offensive to virtually everyone but the speaker.

There are obvious limits to this.  No one is permitted to scream “FIRE” in a crowded theater where none exists, because of the potential injury or deaths cause by a panic.  However people should not be prohibited against speaking out if they perceive a threat to themselves, or the population in general.   Several examples of our real “Newspeak” come to mind. 

Recently, a member of the local Democrat party leadership in California was forced to resign his position because he had uttered the phrase “Colored People” when referring to certain minority groups, rather than the politically correct “People of Color”.  Never mind that there is a longstanding national organization called the “NAACP”, which of course stands for “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People”.  They can refer to themselves as “colored people”, or even use the dreaded “N” word occasionally, but don’t let even a Liberal Democrat speak that phrase, if they happen to be white.

The second example of “Newspeak” concerns the Department of Justice, specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  If an FBI agent stretches the truth (aka: LIES) that is referred to as “A Lack of Candor”!   Sounds so much more civilized, doesn’t it? 

Finally, in the current debate about our porous southern border, we must use the term “Undocumented Immigrants”, rather that the more accurate “Illegal Aliens” when describing people who have either entered our country uninvited or overstayed their visa to do so.  Wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings, or prejudice public opinion against them, would we?

So, once again we are dealing with one group of people who deal with every issue emotionally.  “Give me what I want, or I will protest and riot!”   On the other side, are those who say “We have laws on the books to deal with these situations. Obey them or work to have them changed, but don’t ignore them!”

You can’t change reality with “Newspeak”……