Compassion or Stupidity?

Picture this.  You receive a phone call from an individual who tells you that they are going to break into your home.  Furthermore, they tell you how they are going to break in, and when.  Of course you contact the police to report the call. They tell you that there is nothing they can do to help you.  In addition, they inform you that you must do nothing to stop the home invasion, that the home invaders have rights which you must not violate!  Crazy, you say?   Well maybe, but this is exactly what is happening on our southern border as we speak.

A “caravan” of Central Americans has been allowed by Mexico to transit their country en route to illegally entering the United States.   The members of the caravan have been coached by lawyers provided by “immigrant” advocacy groups as to what to say to American authorities in order to be granted asylum in our country.   What a travesty.

With more than 20 Trillion dollars in national debt, and an estimated 70 Trillion dollars of unfunded pension and other government liabilities, can we really afford to be the repository of all people who wish to escape their homeland for the promise of a better life here?

Over the last sixty years we have sent hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid to these Central American countries.  Where has than money gone?   Into the pockets of corrupt politicians,  drug lords and gangs like MS-13, who are now invading our country, spreading the opioid crisis around our nation.

We simply must stop being misled by those who want to enter this country under false premises, and those who would support those efforts.   This isn’t compassion, but stupidity on our part.