Vive La Difference!

Human beings are generally born with a  specific gender, either male or female.  A very small percentage are hermaphrodites, born with vestiges of both sexes.  The physical characteristics of the sexes are obvious.  The mental makeup of individuals is another matter.  That there are homosexuals is beyond question.  However, why some individuals are sexually drawn toward members of their own gender has always been disputed.  Is it learned behavior, or something ingrained in the person at birth?

Either way, since the beginning of the modern “Feminist” movement in the early 1960s, there has been a constant effort by some groups to abolish the traditional rolls of the sexes.  We are told that boys and girls are not different, but rather their actions and gender rolls are imposed on them by their parents and society as a whole, and that must stop.  Gender roles are somehow prejudicial, and must be eliminated.

The latest manifestation of this mindset is the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to eliminate the “Boy” from it’s title.  Morphing into just the “Scouts BSA”.   Girls must be accepted, and in fact encouraged, to join this formerly all male organization.  What claptrap!   As a former Boy Scout, I can attest to the value of that organization in developing young men of good character.   Male bonding is important to boys.  Learning to use the physical strengths inherent in the male physique properly, not becoming a bully, is vital.  Consider the Boy Scout’s Oath:

“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

That is not the code of male supremacy.  It is not the code of a person who is being taught to dominate the opposite sex.  It is the code of a person who is being taught to be a whole person.  Considerate, kind and responsible.  A person who will grow up to be a good husband and father.

In an age where we are being told that sex is a relative term, that we can somehow “choose” our gender and become “transsexual”,  an organization which affirms the values stated in the Boy Scouts Oath is more important than ever.  It is absolutely vital that we stop the forced feminization of America.  Let boys be boys and girls be girls.  As the French say, “Vive la Difference!”