Just Say No!

Recently Joe Biden was part of a “Zoom” conference call hosted by the White House addressing “Climate Change” issues.  Of all the world leaders present on the call,  he was the only one who thought it was necessary under the circumstances to “Virtue Signal” by wearing a mask.  So let’s discuss this situation on a broader scale.

First Lady Nancy Reagan coined the phrase “Just say no!” in the 1980s as a slogan for the “War on drugs” program.  It didn’t work too well in that context.  Drug addiction is far too complex to be solved by simple abstinence.  Indeed that may work for some people, but not for the majority of those who have become victims of a drug dependancy. 

However, that concept may indeed be useful in fighting a new threat to our nation and all its citizens.  That threat is a total loss of freedom and choice when it comes to the various government imposed Covid-19 restrictions Americans are subject to at the moment, and they are manifest.  Probably the most glaring is the requirement to wear masks or other types of facial coverings, whether indoors or outside.  In some states, mainly those controlled by Democrats, the requirement is mandatory, and you can actually be arrested and incarcerated for failing to comply. 

Even children as young as two years of age are required to wear masks at all times in public places.  This is insanity.  Statistics generated since the start of the pandemic last year prove that children under the age of fifteen have little or no chance of becoming infected, and if they do, they will not suffer serious consequences unless they suffer from a serious co-morbidity condition such as childhood leukemia.  They also are at extremely low risk of passing the virus on to other individuals if they do contract it.

These facts are immaterial to politicians who have discovered that they can use the pandemic as a mechanism to control the population in their states or cities.  Paraphrasing the old saying: “They have made up their minds. Don’t try to confuse them with the facts”.  This has become a national power grab, which was used by the Democrats, aided by the media and “Big Tech”, to adversely influence the 2020 elections against President Trump and the Republicans, and in doing so, fraudulently win the Legislative and Executive branches of the government and take control of all aspects of our lives.  This will only work if we allow it to proceed.

I have mentioned before the necessity of our following the lead of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others showed us the way. In what came to be known as “Civil Disobedience”, they refused to go along with the draconian “Jim Crow” laws of the southern states (all run by Democrats) and courageously but peacefully,  just said no.

Suffering beatings by riot police, being sprayed by high pressure fire hoses and viciously attacked by police dogs, they remained resolute, and in the end triumphed.  That victory was because the American people saw what was happening and were appalled.  Supported by the vast majority of Republican legislators, they were able to defeat the Democrats, Northern and Southern, who opposed them nearly to a man.  The 1965 Voting Rights Act was passed, but the Democrats just devised another way to control African-Americans by making them more and more dependent on government subsidies.

Now is the time to stage our own “Civil Disobedience” protests, and we can do so by refusing to wear the symbol of obedience and oppression which the government, and many major corporations have imposed on us.  That symbol is the mask or face covering.  If we have either been fully vaccinated or recovered from contracting Covid-19, we have antibodies in our bloodstream which should prevent us from contracting the disease or becoming reinfected.  As such, there is no danger to ourselves or others if we take off the masks and once again breath the fresh air of freedom.

Starting immediately, we should demand that antibody testing be made available to all citizens to determine whether they have the Covid-19 antibodies in their bloodstreams or not.  Until that is universally available, all those who have been fully vaccinated or know that they have recovered from the virus,  should stop wearing the face coverings and peacefully but forcibly defend their right to do so.  That is the ONLY way we can begin to regain our Constitutional rights which have been unjustly taken from us.

Let’s Just Say No!