The Cabal

When he was running for the presidency in 2008, then candidate Barack Obama made the following statement.  Read it carefully:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

This is once again being called for by Democrat members of congress and the Executive Branch. The question was then, as it is now:  Just who will that  “Civilian National Security Force” defend us against?  It certainly isn’t Muslim extremists, we are once against cozying up to Iran and other radical groups in the Middle East.  It can’t be against the tide of illegal immigrants flooding across our southern border, they’re just harmless families fleeing oppression in their homelands and seeking safety and a better life in this country.  It can’t be against the Antifa and BLM supported rioters and looters, they’re just “peaceful protesters” against police brutality.  So who’s left?

Bingo! It’s got to be all the White Suprematists and Donald Trump supporting insurrectionists who we were told stormed the Capitol on January 6th and threatened to lynch the lawmakers in their own chambers.

The historical parallels to the Nazi Brown Shirts, SS Stormtroopers and Gestapo required to protect the German people from communists after the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 are frightening.  That conflagration, almost certainly started by the Nazis themselves and then blamed on a Dutch half-witted communist sympathizer, was used to gradually gain a stranglehold on the German government and cow the citizenry into total compliance with the Nazi programs.  All for “The Greater Good”.

That is what dictatorial regimes always attempt to do.  First, take over the schools, to train the “Useful Idiots” to promote their agendas.  Next control the media, to prevent the voices of dissent being disseminated.  Finally, gain control of the military, and make the local police irrelevant by dominating them with a strong national police presence.  Sound familiar?

What are the stated goals of the Biden-Harris regime and their allies?  Defund the police. Disarm the public.   “Reform” the military by weeding out any conservative members. Finally, stamp out any means to present alternate solutions on social media, or the one remaining conservative broadcast news outlet, Fox News.

To accomplish these efforts, they want to expand the Supreme Court by four appointees from the Biden-Harris camp.  Then, they will use their razor thin Senatorial majority to eliminate the “Filibuster Rule” in the Senate and continue to govern by Executive Order fiats from the White House.  It is becoming more and more evident that these plans are being implemented by a “Shadow Government” directed by Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice among others.  We are in effect being governed by an illegal cabal.

Because the Italian, German and Russian people didn’t rise up against the obvious excesses of the Fascists, Nazis and Communists under Mussolini, Hitler and Lenin, their countries were nearly unrecognizable in a few short years.  Millions were imprisoned and died as a result.  Don’t think it can’t happen here.  Look at Cuba and Venezuela for recent examples in our hemisphere.  George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan warned us that we could lose our Republic by failing to confront enemies from within.   Only a fool doesn’t realize that is being planned and plotted at this very minute by the forces on the left, primarily the leaders of the Democratic Party.