Black Privilege?

My last post dealt with issues facing the black community in this country.  This will continue in that vein.  Today, I’m asking a simple question.  If indeed, something called “White Privilege” exists, supposedly granted Caucasians solely due to the color of their skin at birth, is there also “Black Privilege”, bestowed on that race due to perceived injustices against them or their ancestors?

If “White Privilege” exists, what does it grant you?  Preferential treatment when you attend school?  Entrance into a scholastic institution of your choice?  Preferential treatment when being interviewed for a job, or accelerated promotion when hired?  In todays world, exactly what does supposed white privilege allow you to do?

“Black Privilege” however, has definite benefits, should you choose to avail yourself of  them.  Since the Civil Rights laws were passed in the 1960s, African-Americans have enjoyed all the things mentioned above.  Government mandated setbacks and quotas require employers to hire certain people based on the color of their skin and not, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hoped for in his “I have a dream” speech, because of the content of their character.

More to the point, many corporations, blackmailed by the likes of “The Reverends” Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others, have hired and promoted individuals manifestly unqualified for the position because of, instead of in spite of, their race.  During the Obama administration, that process greatly accelerated and is continuing apace under the Biden-Harris regime.  And yes, there are even more egregious examples of “Black Privilege”. For instance:

The participants of last summers riots and looting after the death of George Floyd were almost exclusively black.  This statement can be easily confirmed by video footage of the events.  While many people of other races indeed joined in the peaceful protest marches and rallies organized by Black Lives Matter and other groups after Floyd’s death, very few of them were involved in the violence which came after.  An exception to that of course was the members of Antifa.  They were happy to join in the rioting, but the looting of businesses, was done almost exclusively by young blacks of both sexes, but predominately males.  The photograph above is purposefully out of focus, but it illustrates my point.

This phenomena goes back to the riots of the late 1960s, when violence broke out in urban black communities after the beating of Rodney King and the assassination of MLK, Jr.  Since then, every time there is an incident that inflames that racial group, the rioting, burning and looting begins.  In the case of natural disasters like tornados or hurricanes, only the looting occurs, almost as if the event justified an illegal shopping spree, with electronics, $200 sneakers, and certain fashion items being on the top of the “shopping list”.  These looters are rarely arrested, the process being justified as only blowing off steam.

With very few exceptions, these acts are rarely denounced by black politicians or community leaders.  It’s almost a “wink and a nod” situation, and if the rioters know there will be no penalties for their behavior, why not join in?  Should anyone point out what is going on, they are immediately labeled as bigots or white supremacists by the mainstream media.  The hysterical thing is that some of the people pointing out what is going on are actually black themselves, but conservative in their viewpoint!  

I live in semi-rural South Carolina.  Many of the white residents of this area are of very humble means.  They frequently live in old, run down houses or single wide trailers.  They work very hard to provide for their families. They would be very surprised to learn that they are the beneficiaries of “White Privilege”, wouldn’t they?